China Daily

Farmers hit by worst drought in decades


MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanista­n — After his wheat crop failed and wells dried up, Ghulam Abbas sold his animals and joined thousands of other farmers migrating to cities as Afghanista­n’s worst drought in living memory ravages the country.

A huge shortfall in snow and rain across much of the country over the normally wet colder months decimated the winter harvest, threatenin­g the already precarious livelihood­s of millions of farmers and sparking warnings of severe food shortages.

Like hundreds of farming families in Charkint village in the normally fertile northern province of Balkh, Abbas, 45, has moved with 11 family members to the provincial capital Mazar-i-Sharif to find work.

“I don’t remember a drought as severe as this year’s,” said Abbas, who has been a farmer for more than three decades.

“We never had to leave our village or sell our animals because of a drought in the past.”

As dry conditions and high temperatur­es persist, there are growing concerns about the spring and summer crops that will be harvested later this year.

Afghanista­n’s 2018 wheat harvest is already expected to be the lowest since at least 2011, according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network, set up by USAID in 1985.

Faced with an estimated shortfall of 2.5 million tons of wheat this year, more than two million people could become “severely food insecure” and would be in “desperate need” of humanitari­an assistance in the next six months, the United Nations has warned.

Tens of thousands of sheep and goats have died and many farmers have eaten the seeds for the next planting season, as rivers and wells dry up and pastures turn to dust.

“If the authoritie­s and the internatio­nal community don’t step up to this challenge now, Afghanista­n could face a calamity as we head into the next winter,” UN Humanitari­an Coordinato­r in Afghanista­n Toby Lanzer said recently.

Afghan authoritie­s have so far provided limited assistance to farmers and internatio­nal aid agencies are struggling to meet the growing demand.

UN food and other assistance has reached more than 460,000 people in drought-affected provinces in recent months, Lanzer said — less than a quarter of those who need it.

An agreement between internatio­nal agencies and the Afghan government to release 60,000 tonnes of wheat currently held in the country’s strategic grain reserve and turn it into mineral-fortified flour will help.

“It won’t be enough for what is needed, but it’s a very good start,” Lanzer said.

If much-needed aid does not reach farmers soon, more might turn to more droughtres­istant crops such as opium poppies, Abbas warned.

Afghanista­n is the world’s largest producer of opium, despite billions of dollars being spent on counternar­cotics efforts since the US-led invasion in 2001.

“A government which is hardly able to pay its soldiers to fight cannot reach out to help people in these remote areas,” Abbas said.

“The conditions will eventually force people to turn to illegal crops.”

 ?? FARSHAD USYAN / AFP ?? A boy uses a water pump to collect water in Sakhi village on the outskirts of Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanista­n.
FARSHAD USYAN / AFP A boy uses a water pump to collect water in Sakhi village on the outskirts of Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanista­n.

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