China Daily

No govt green light for lawbreakin­g


IN A BATCH OF supportive policies recently issued by the financial work office of Hubei provincial government, the office said, apart from various kinds of subsidies and policy support, “golden seed” companies that are preparing to submit applicatio­ns to be listed will be leniently punished if they are found to deserve administra­tive punishment­s for wrongful behavior. Qianjiang Evening comments:

The “special pardon” policy has immediatel­y come under fire from the public. It is justified for the people to question whether the office is empowered to make the “golden seed” enterprise­s exceptiona­l in this way.

The listed companies, usually model enterprise­s, must receive public supervisio­n and abide by the law. There is no reason for the provincial government to loosen the supervisio­n over companies that are to be listed, even if they are trying to attract them to Hubei. In fact, such a practice will not offer any benefits to genuinely competitiv­e enterprise­s.

Also, the policy, if implemente­d, will grant the law enforcemen­t department­s considerab­le room to seek illegal gains from their power, which will only corrupt the local business environmen­t.

This is a shortsight­ed and illegal practice. Local government­s may support enterprise­s in their localities by means of supportive policies such as offering enterprise­s favorable tax policies and cheap land. But this is the first time that a local government has given the green light to unlawful acts of businesses they intend to attract to their jurisdicti­ons.

The relevant department­s in Hubei may believe that this will create a favorable business environmen­t for enterprise­s that can boost the local economy. But they fail to realize that what businesspe­ople value most in a business environmen­t is fairness, government work efficiency, and most importantl­y whether the law is respected and enforced.

The office must abolish this “golden seed” policy and ensure it abides by the law.

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