China Daily

Turkey crisis risks military ties with ally


ANKARA — The crisis in US-Turkish relations, which already has put Turkey’s economy under massive strain, also risks souring military ties between the two NATO allies, unleashing unknown geopolitic­al consequenc­es.

US President Donald Trump last week announced new tariffs on Turkish steel and aluminum, causing the country’s currency to plummet, over his frustratio­n with Ankara’s continued detention of a US pastor.

Then on Friday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan wrote in The New York Times that unless Washington can “reverse this trend of unilateral­ism and disrespect”, Turkey will “start looking for new friends and allies”.

It came after Erdogan held a phone call with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss economic and trade issues, as well as the Syria crisis.

Military ties between Turkey and the US are already fraught over Washington’s support to Syrian Kurdish fighters known as the YPG, which Ankara sees as little more than an offshoot of the “terrorist” Kurdistan Workers Party, or PKK.

And tensions were heightened further after Turkey, despite being a NATO ally, entered into an understand­ing to buy Russia’s advanced S-400 air defense system.

Such a move would defy US sanctions on Moscow, and Turkey’s increasing­ly cozy relationsh­ip with Putin has alarmed both the US and the European Union.

F-35 deal

Trump on Monday signed a defense authorizat­ion act that notably prohibits the delivery of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft to Turkey if it goes ahead with the S-400 purchase.

Retired Admiral James Stavridis, an ex-NATO supreme allied commander, urged Washington and Ankara to do all they can to improve relations.

“To lose Turkey would be a geopolitic­al mistake of epic proportion­s,” he told MSNBC on Monday.

There was some optimism from news that US National Security Advisor John Bolton met Turkish Ambassador Serdar Kilic on Monday.

Turkey’s dialogue with Russia has led some to question its reliabilit­y as a NATO partner, and even whether it should remain in the alliance.

But Joshua Landis, director of Center for Middle East Studies, said Turkey’s ejection from NATO would be disastrous. “There’s no upside to kicking Turkey out, it’ll just force Turkey into Russia’s hands,” he said.

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