China Daily

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When the army advances, it is as swift as the wind; when It is immobile, as still as the forest; when it attacks, as destructiv­e as a fire; when it defends, as immovable as a mountain; when it conceals itself, it is as though hidden behind an overcast sky; and when it strikes, it can be as sudden as a thunderbol­t.


徐:缓慢。《左传·昭公二十年》: “清浊大小,短长疾徐⋯⋯以相济也。”侵掠:以强力夺取。


军队行动快如疾风,慢如山林严整从容,进攻如迅猛的烈火,守如山岳屹立不动,隐藏如黑夜不见日月星­辰,冲锋如万钧雷霆。 其用战也,胜久则钝兵挫锐,攻城则力屈,久暴师则国用不足。《孙子·作战篇》 In a war involving a huge army, the main objective should be quick victory. If the war is prolonged, the weapons will be blunted and the men’s morale will be dampened. When they attack cities, their strength will be exhausted. Protracted campaigns will be a serious strain on the treasury. 【注释】 钝兵挫锐:钝兵,谓兵刃钝弊。《战国策·楚策二》: “弊甲钝兵,愿承下尘。”挫,受挫折。《管子·五辅》: “是以小者兵挫而地削,大者身死而国亡。”力屈:力量耗尽。屈,竭尽,穷尽。暴师:指军队在外,蒙受风霜雨露。 【译文】 开战后,如果不能速胜,部队的锐气就会受到挫­折。一旦攻城,则力量将会消耗尽。军队长久在外,国家就会财政困难。 BETTER ENGLISH 世贸组织改革 Reform of the World Trade Organizati­on/WTO reform 请看例句: China’s Ministry of Commerce recently said the country supported the reform of the World Trade Organizati­on (WTO). 我国商务部称,中方对世贸组织改革持­支持态度。 美国和欧盟同意通过谈­判缓解贸易摩擦(mitigate trade tensions) ,并提出改革世贸组织。 商务部新闻发言人高峰­上月表示,中方对世贸组织改革(WTO reform)持支持态度,希望能够照顾大多数成­员关切,反映大多数成员诉求(address the concerns of most members and reflect their needs) 。 针对美欧达成的贸易共­识(the trade consensus reached between the US and the EU) ,高峰表示,不打贸易战是好事,不仅对欧美,对全世界都是如此(it’s not only good for the EU and the US, but good for the whole world) 。 中方将关注双方声明能­否得到真正落实(pay attention to whether the statement will materializ­e) 。 高峰指出,希望通过渐进式改革(gradual reform) ,确保世贸组织基本宗旨­不变(the primary purpose of the WTO should remain unchanged) ,基本原则不受挑战(its fundamenta­l principle should not be challenged) ,同时,增强世贸组织的权威性­和领导力(strengthen the authoritat­iveness and leadership of the WTO) ,强化自由贸易原则与多­边贸易体制的基本功能­和作用(consolidat­e the basic functions and role of free trade principle and multilater­al trading system) ,更好地促进全球自由贸­易和经济全球化(promote global free trade and economic globalizat­ion) 。 相关词汇区域自由贸易 regional free trade经济全球化 economic globalizat­ion区域经济一体化 regional economic integratio­n多边贸易体制 multilater­al trading regime To learn more hot words, please log on to Follow us on weibo at­ps

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