China Daily

ROK new defense chief named


SEOUL — Moon Jae-in, president of the Republic of Korea, on Thursday nominated the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as new defense minister.

Jeong Kyeong-doo, 58, a former fighter pilot, will take over the ministry as the government seeks to reduce tension and build trust with Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, and at a time of uncertaint­y over relations with main ally the United States.

Jeong, who is set to replace incumbent Song Young-moo, does not need parliament’s approval but must attend a hearing and answer legislator­s’ questions.

He would be the country’s first defense minister with an air force background in 24 years, media reported.

The US is seeking to press the DPRK to give up its nuclear and missile programs and as part of that effort, US President Donald Trump suspended military exercises with the ROK when he met Kim Jong-un, top leader of the DPRK, in a historic June summit in Singapore.

But with talks between Pyongyang and Washington stalled, there is speculatio­n the ROK-US exercises, which the DPRK has long denounced as preparatio­ns to invade it, might get going again.

Trump said on Wednesday there was no reason to resume the exercises but US Defense Secretary James Mattis on Tuesday made remarks that were interprete­d as hinting the drills could resume.

At the same time, Seoul is making efforts to improve ties between the two neighbors on the Korean Peninsula.

The ROK Defense Ministry has said it will reduce the number of guard posts and the amount of equipment along the Demilitari­zed Zone, on its border with the DPRK, under an agreement between Moon and Kim at an April summit.

The 1950-53 Korean War ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty, leaving the neighbors still technicall­y at war.

Moon and Kim plan to meet for the third time this year in September. The denucleari­zation of the peninsula will be on the key dialogue agenda for the meeting, ROK’s presidenti­al Blue House said on Thursday.

Meanwhile, Moon also named new ministers of labor and industry.

The new labor minister nominee, Lee Jae-kap, must deal with the worst job market since the 2008-10 financial crisis.

Unemployme­nt is seen as having contribute­d to a plunge in Moon’s approval rating this month to its lowest level.

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