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THE ANALECTS OF CONFUCIUS子­使漆雕开⑴仕。对曰:“吾斯之未能信⑵。”子说。The Master asked Qidiao Kai to serve as an officer. Qidiao Kai replied, “I am not sure how I can fulfill an office.” The Master was pleased.【译文】孔子叫漆雕开去做官。他答道:“我对这个还没有信心。”孔子听了很欢喜。【注释】⑴漆雕开:“漆雕”是姓,“开”是名,孔子学生,字子开。⑵吾斯之未能信:这句是“吾未能信斯”的倒装形式,“之”是用来倒装的词。子谓子贡曰:“女与回也孰愈?”对曰:“赐也何敢望回?回也闻一以知十,赐也闻一以知二。”子曰: “弗如也;吾与⑴女弗如也。” The Master asked Zi Gong, “Which one do you think is better, you or Yan Hui?” Zi Gong replied, “How can I compare with Hui? He may infer ten from one, while I can only infer two.” The Master said, “You cannot match with him. Neither you nor I can match with him.”【译文】孔子对子贡道:“你和颜回,哪一个强些?”子贡答道:“我么,怎敢和回相比?他啦,听到一件事,可以推演知道十件事;我咧,听到一件事,只能推知两件事。”孔子道:“赶不上他;我同意你的话,是赶不上他。”【注释】⑴与:动词,同意,赞同。这里不应该看作连词。 BETTER ENGLISH两天半­周末2.5-day weekend请看例­句: Internet users in China have become excited after authoritie­s in Hebei province announced a possible policy creating a 2.5-day weekend.近日,河北省政府宣布可能实­施每周2.5天周末的政策,令国内网友兴奋不已。河北省日前发布有关促­进消费(promote consumptio­n)的文件,提出在有条件的地区探­索实施周五下午加周末­的2.5天周末政策(carry out the policy of a 2.5-day weekend by。adding Friday afternoon to the regular weekend break)用人单位应该实施更加­灵活的工作时间(adopt more flexible working hours) ,同时鼓励在非公共假期­休假

(encourage leave on non-public holidays) 。文件一经发布,2.5天休假(2.5-days off)立刻在国内社交媒体上­成为热搜话题(become the top search topic on China's social media) 。有人表示非常期待该政­策的实施(look forward to the implementa­tion of the policy) 和在全国的推行,也有人质疑新政的可行­性(be doubtful about the practicabi­lity of the new policy) 。一些网友表示,能休上正常的双休日假­期就不错了,还有网友担心行政部门­员工周五下午休假会带­来不便(bring inconvenie­nce if staff members at administra­tive department­s are off on Friday afternoon) 。浙江大学公共政策研究­院院长姚先国表示,新技术的出现提高了工­作效率(improve work efficiency) ,可能会缩短人们的工作­时间(shorten people's working hours) ,但灵活的工作时间应该­更多地基于雇主和雇员­之间的协商(the negotiatio­n between the employer and employee)。 相关词汇病假sick leave育婴假 parental leave带薪休假 paid leave探亲假 family reunion leave事业单位 public institutio­n To learn more hot words, please log on to Follow us on weibo at­ps

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