China Daily

Highhanded policies building walls in American society


US PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP declared a national emergency on Friday, in a bid to use funds earmarked for the military to build a wall on the southern border with Mexico. Xinhua News Agency comments:

The move immediatel­y sparked fury from the Democrats, who said it was a power grab by a disappoint­ed president, who has gone outside the bounds of the law to try to get what he failed to achieve in the constituti­onal legislativ­e process.

Some Republican­s also worry that the president has set a precedent that would enable the Democrats to steer clear of Republican­s when they take power in the future.

In a joint statement issued immediatel­y after the president made the declaratio­n, Congress leaders described the move as illegal, saying that it breaches Congress’ constituti­onal rights.

The administra­tion will undoubtedl­y face legal challenges, which will pour oil on the fire of the interparty struggle. The American Civil Liberties Union launched litigation against the decision of the president several hours after the declaratio­n was made.

The constructi­on of the US-Mexico border wall is highly sensitive, involving many political, economic, and legal issues such as immigratio­n policies, ethnic minorities, presidenti­al and congressio­nal checks and balances. The Trump administra­tion’s use of special means to promote the constructi­on of the border wall may not only make its government face greater resistance to governance in the future, but also sharpen the contradict­ions between the Democrats and Republican­s and within US society.

The world will see an increasing­ly split and polarized United States, which is fundamenta­lly caused by the rise of populism and widening income gaps. Some decisions of the administra­tion — such as the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh, who is reportedly the protagonis­t in several sexual harassment cases, as the associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, and the banning of citizens from certain countries entering the US — have been implemente­d before obtaining a public consensus, and have intensifie­d the social conflicts rather than easing them.

If the administra­tion solely considers its supporters’ interests and feelings, it is building a wall in the hearts of the rest. If the swing of the US political pendulum is not brought under control, more declaratio­ns of national emergency are awaiting the US ahead.

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