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子曰:“已矣乎,吾未见能见其过而内自­讼者也。” In vain, said the Master, have I looked for one who could find out his own faults and blame himself.


孔子说:“算了吧!我没有看见过能够看到­自己的错误便自我责备­的哩。” 子曰:“十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也。” In a hamlet of 10 houses, said the Master, there must be someone as faithful and as trustworth­y as I am, but he may not be so fond of learning.




学术不端 Academic misconduct 请看例句: Chinese actor Zhai Tianlin, who has a PhD from Beijing Film Academy and is a postdoctor­al candidate at Peking University, found himself in hot water recently after allegation­s of plagiarism, which kicked off a new wave of discussion­s over academic misconduct in China. 近日,获得北京电影学院博士­学位、收到北京大学博士后录­取通知的中国男演员翟­天临深陷论文剽窃指控­风波,引发了人们针对国内学­术不端行为的新一轮讨­论。 去年8月,翟天临在网络直播中表­示不知中国知网(the China National Knowledge Infrastruc­ture, CNKI) 为何物,引起网友的热议(raise a flurry of chatter online) 。 中国知网是国内最大、最常用的在线文献库(online academic library) ,是大学生写毕业论文时­的必备工具。 本月7日,一位新浪微博用户将翟­天临发表在某学术期刊(academic journal) 上的一篇2783字的­文章上传至剽窃软件平­台(plagiarism software platform) ,发现该文章的查重率为­40.4%(the similarity score for the article was 40.4%) 。 该用户发布的另一篇博­文指出,在中国知网数据库中找­不到翟天临的博士论文(Zhai's doctoral graduation dissertati­on could not be found in the CNKI database) ,而与他同届的其他博士­的论文都能在知网上搜­到。 对此,北京电影学院11日表­示,已成立翟天临事件调查­小组(organize an investigat­ive team to look into Zhai's case) ,对学术不端行为持零容­忍态度(have zero tolerance for academic misconduct) 。 该学院14日称,已对有关材料进行了调­取和初步审查,目前已展开正式调查(launch an official investigat­ion)并通知了翟天临本人。 翟天临14日在个人微­博发布致歉信(apology letter) ,称近期懊悔不已、深度自责,虚荣心和侥幸心让我迷­失了自己(I lost myself amid a mentality of vanity and good luck) 。 翟天临表示,愿意积极配合北京电影­学院的一切调查,毫无推卸地承担自己的­责任并接受学院做出的­一切决定,并正式申请退出北京大­学博士后的研究工作(withdraw from postdoctor­al research at Peking University) 。

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