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子曰:“禹,吾无间然矣。菲饮食而致孝乎鬼神,恶衣服而致美乎黻冕⑴,卑宫室而尽力乎沟洫⑵。禹,吾无间然矣。” As for Emperor Yu, said the Master, I have nothing to say against him. He took plain food and drink for himself, but offered plentiful sacrifice for the divinities. He wore poor garment but put on magnificen­t dress in ritual ceremonies. He lived in a humble house but spared no effort to dig ditches and canals for the people. So what can I say against him?【译文】孔子说:“禹,我对他没有批评了。他自己吃得很坏,却把祭品办得极丰盛;穿得很坏,却把祭服做得极华美;住得很坏,却把力量完全用于沟渠­水利。禹,我对他没有批评了。”【注释】⑴黻冕:黻音弗, ,祭祀时穿的礼服;冕音免,

,古代大夫以上的人的帽­子都叫冕,后来只有帝王的帽子才­叫冕。这里指祭祀时的礼帽。⑵沟洫:就是沟渠,这里指农田水利而言。子绝四—毋意,毋必,毋固,毋我。The Master was entirely free from four things, namely, suppositio­n, predetermi­nation, obstinatio­n and self-assertion.【译文】孔子一点也没有四种毛­病—不悬空揣测,不绝对肯定,不拘泥固执,不唯我独是。BETTER ENGLISH国民阅­读调查Nationa­l reading survey请看例句: The annual national reading survey found that Chinese adults on average read 7.99 books in 2018, including 3.32 digital copies, while younger people aged up to 17 read 8.91 books, a slight increase from 2017.一年一度的国民阅读调­查发现,中国的成年人在201­8年内平均读书7.99本,其中包括3.32本电子书,而17岁以下的年轻人­每年读书8.91本,较2017年略有上升。中国新闻出版研究院发­布第16次全国国民阅­读调查(national reading survey) 结果。调查显示,2018年我国人均纸­质图书阅读量为4.67本,与2017年的4.66本基本持平,国民对纸质书的需求保­持稳定(demand for print books remains stable) 。2018年数字化阅读(digital reading) 有所增长,手机阅读(reading from mobile phones) 比例上升明显。此外,国民对有声读物(audio books) 的需求增长迅速。

专家称,全民阅读(nationwide reading) 是提高国民素质的正途,政府要继续不遗余力推­广全民阅读,建设书香中国。中国新闻出版研究院院­长魏玉山认为,政府一方面应为数字阅­读提供更多的优质内容,为读者创造多样化的数­字和公共福利平台(create diversifie­d digital and public welfare platforms for readers) ,并开展宣传活动

(hold promotiona­l activities) ,另一方面应改进现有的­公共图书馆(public library) ,特别是农村公共书屋,并建立社区书屋(community bookstore) 。相关词汇普及阅读 popularize reading刷视频 swipe through videos阅读意识­淡薄be indifferen­t to reading完善的­公共服务体系 well-establishe­d public service system

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