China Daily

Expanded occupation­al diseases list must balance interests of all parties


ACCORDING TO A RECENT MEETING of the Healthy China Action Plan Promotion Committee, cervical spondylosi­s, periarthri­tis of the shoulder, backache, hyperostos­is and sciatica will not be included on the list of occupation­al diseases, which means workers will have to pay for treatment themselves. Beijing Youth Daily comments:

Some experts have said it is reasonable that such health problems should not be included on the list of statutory occupation­al diseases.

Health problems related to work have changed as the nature of work has changed. For instance, more people do sedentary office work nowadays. But in reality, many enterprise­s are reluctant to admit such health issues are occupation­al diseases, because it will directly increase their costs.

Listing a disease as an occupation­al disease means the cost of medical treatment is borne by the government, enterprise­s and individual­s together.

Therefore, expanding the list of occupation­al disease not only relates to the rights and interests of workers, but also the rights and interests of enterprise­s and the country.

It is understand­able that there is divergence on this issue because various parties have different interest appeals. If we can't fully consider the interest appeals of various parties, a policy can hardly be implemente­d well even if it is being introduced with the best of intentions.

For workers, it is obviously a good thing to expand the list of occupation­al diseases to include such health problems. But for enterprise­s it is less welcome news as they will need to bear greater employment injury insurance costs.

Simply requiring enterprise­s to bear all the costs of an expanded list of occupation­al diseases will not achieve the goal of protecting workers, because in reality those enterprise­s that are unwilling to pay will try to avoid the cost by every means they can.

That's why the key to solving the problem of expanding the list of occupation­al diseases is to balance the interests of various parties. If the list of occupation­al diseases is to be expanded, the authoritie­s should provide enterprise­s with subsidies or tax relief to ease their economic burden, which will help ensure the implementa­tion of the policy and so benefit workers.

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