China Daily

Nation riding tide of changes in world order

China expected to play bigger role in global governance, multilater­al system


Editor’s note: Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy is the fundamenta­l guideline for China’s diplomatic work in the new era. China Daily is publishing a series of stories to examine how Xi’s proposals have become internatio­nally accepted and made great contributi­ons to world peace and human progress.

The world is facing challenges arising from the weakening role of internatio­nal law and global governance. The United Nations is now “at a hard time” as its functions are being crippled. China can play a bigger part in strengthen­ing the role of the internatio­nal body.

These are key points Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev made in a speech at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in Beijing when he paid his first state visit to China last month.

Tokayev voiced his concerns over the current internatio­nal situation, which, as was described by President Xi Jinping on many occasions, is undergoing profound and complex changes not seen in a century.

Xi said at the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs in June last year that the world is undergoing the most profound and unpreceden­ted changes in a century.

One month later, Xi told business leaders at the BRICS Business Forum held in Johannesbu­rg, South Africa, that the next decade will see faster changes in the internatio­nal landscape and the internatio­nal alignment of forces as well as a profound reshaping of the global governance system.

This is because a new round of revolution and transforma­tion in science, technology and industries featuring artificial intelligen­ce, big data, quantum informatio­n and biotechnol­ogy is gaining momentum, and the collective rise of emerging markets and developing countries will make global developmen­t more balanced and global peace more firmly based, Xi said at the forum.

However, he warned that, as unilateral­ism and protection­ism are mounting, the internatio­nal community has reached a new crossroads as “we are facing a choice between cooperatio­n and confrontat­ion, between opening-up and a closed-door policy and between mutual benefit and a beggar-thy-neighbor approach”.

Xi’s judgment about today’s world reveals how China would respond to and guide the changes in the world pattern, said Yang Jiechi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, in a signed article

We are facing a choice between cooperatio­n and confrontat­ion, between opening-up and a closed-door policy and between mutual benefit and a beggar-thy-neighbor approach.” President Xi Jinping

in Qiushi, the flagship journal of the CPC Central Committee.

Yang, also director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, said in the article that China has been actively offering its wisdom and solutions to guide the reform of the global governance system amid ongoing changes.

With promoting world peace and internatio­nal cooperatio­n in mind, Xi has been endeavorin­g to use multilater­al platforms — such as the Group of 20 Summit, APEC Leaders’ Informal Meeting, the United Nations General Assembly and the World Economic Forum — to advocate China’s propositio­ns on improving global governance.

The most important vision he proposed is building a community with a shared future for mankind, which is being increasing­ly accepted worldwide. In February 2017, the phrase was for the first time incorporat­ed into a UN resolution by the 55th UN Commission for Social Developmen­t.

It has also been adopted by the UN Security Council, the Human Rights Council and the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, thus turning the Chinese concept into an internatio­nal consensus.

Xi made it clear on various occasions that China follows the principle of achieving shared growth through discussion and collaborat­ion in engaging in global governance, stands for democracy in internatio­nal relations, maintains that all countries — big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor — are equal, and supports developing countries having broader representa­tion and a bigger say in internatio­nal affairs.

“We are deeply involved in internatio­nal cooperatio­n on climate change, antiterror­ism and upholding cybersecur­ity, (we) earnestly fulfill relevant internatio­nal obligation­s and responsibi­lities and have made tremendous contributi­ons to dealing with common global challenges,” Yang said.

In a recent interview with Xinhua News Agency, Portuguese Communist Party General Secretary Jeronimo de Sousa spoke highly of China’s defense of the UN and internatio­nal law.

As some Western powers ignore and disregard the norms of internatio­nal law, he stressed the importance of “action to affirm and respect the principles enshrined in the UN Charter, negotiated resolution­s of internatio­nal conflicts and the defense of world peace.

He said that while seeking its own developmen­t, China is actively promoting internatio­nal trade and economic cooperatio­n to develop equitable and mutually beneficial relations between the countries around the world.

During his state visit to France in March, Xi proposed the vision of global governance featuring extensive consultati­on, joint contributi­on and shared benefits at a global governance forum attended by leaders including French President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker.

He called for addressing the governance deficit on the principle that global affairs should be settled by the peoples of various countries through consultati­ons, highlighti­ng the importance of advancing the democratiz­ation of the global governance system.

Xi’s propositio­ns of the new developmen­t philosophy call for innovative, coordinate­d, green, open and shared economic growth. They also call for common, comprehens­ive, cooperativ­e and sustainabl­e security as part of his contributi­ons to the theories of global governance, said Vice-Foreign Minister Le Yucheng in a recent interview with The Paper.

Actions speak louder than words when China participat­es in global governance, Le said, adding that China is the second-largest financial contributo­r to UN peacekeepi­ng missions and is also the largest troop contributo­r among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council.

Belt and Road Initiative

In recent years, China intensifie­d its concrete efforts to participat­e in global governance by initiating platforms for internatio­nal cooperatio­n such as the Belt and Road Initiative, the Asian Infrastruc­ture Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund.

By the end of August, 136 countries and 36 internatio­nal organizati­ons had signed cooperatio­n documents with China on jointly building the Belt and Road. Since it started operations in January 2016, the AIIB has now grown to 100 approved members worldwide.

He Yafei, former vice-foreign minister and now a senior researcher at Renmin University of China’s Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, said in an article published in the Global Times that the BRI is an important part of the solutions China contribute­s to the world in dealing with the changing internatio­nal landscape and innovating global governance.

High-quality constructi­on of the Belt and Road will help boost new developmen­t of globalizat­ion with free trade being its foundation while strengthen­ing the developmen­t of infrastruc­ture facilities in developing countries, He said.

Though suffering difficulti­es and setbacks in recent years, the global governance process led by the UN is still ongoing. However, the voices of reform in the UN and other mechanisms of the global governance system such as the World Trade Organizati­on are on the rise.

Pang Zhongying, an internatio­nal relations professor at Ocean University of China’s Institute of Marine Developmen­t, said the pullback of the United States from internatio­nal organizati­ons and treaties has weakened and even damaged the existing global governance system. However, countries including China and other emerging markets are striving to improve and consolidat­e the system.

The country remains committed to upholding the postwar global governance system. In the meantime, it supports necessary reforms of some mechanisms such as the WTO, Pang said.

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