China Daily

President emphasizes solidarity with Iran, Nepal

- By CAO DESHENG and MO JINGXI Contact the writers at

President Xi Jinping underlined the need to strengthen solidarity and cooperatio­n in the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic in telephone conversati­ons with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Nepali President Bidya Devi Bhandari on Monday night.

Xi conveyed his sincere sympathies to the two presidents over the outbreak in their countries and expressed firm support for their combating the contagion.

In speaking with Rouhani, Xi said the two countries’ mutual support and assistance in the virus battle fully demonstrat­es the profound friendship between the two countries and peoples.

Saying China has provided medical supplies to Iran and also sent Chinese medical experts, the first team dispatched abroad to help fight the epidemic, Xi said China stands ready to continue to strengthen cooperatio­n, share experience and provide further assistance to the best of its ability.

Xi stressed that the internatio­nal community should intensify coordinati­on and cooperatio­n over the global public health emergency, and said unilateral sanctions imposed on Iran will undermine anti-epidemic efforts. China firmly supports Iran in upholding its national sovereignt­y and dignity, Xi said, and the country is willing to work with the internatio­nal community, including Iran, to uphold global public health security.

Rouhani thanked Xi for China’s assistance and vowed to work with Beijing to strengthen health cooperatio­n and further develop the strategic partnershi­p between the two countries.

While talking with Bhandari, Xi underlined the importance of global solidarity and cooperatio­n in the face of the pandemic.

It is more necessary to safeguard multilater­alism and uphold internatio­nal justice and morality, Xi said, noting that China will carry out internatio­nal anti-epidemic cooperatio­n and support the World Health Organizati­on playing a leading role.

Xi said that China will continue to provide firm support and suggested the public health institutio­ns of the two countries strengthen exchanges and cooperatio­n.

Bhandari said Nepal highly praised China’s resolute and effective measures to contain the epidemic as well as efforts to promote internatio­nal health cooperatio­n. Nepal is willing to jointly build the Belt and Road with China as well as promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, she said.

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