China Daily

Care for pandas during pandemic not luxury


Da Mao and Er Shun, two pandas sent to Calgary Zoo in Canada’s Alberta province in 2014, are being sent back to China two years ahead of schedule because of the pandemic. Two cubs born to them will also be sent back.

The animals feed on fresh bamboo, which is especially flown in for them from China. But with the novel coronaviru­s outbreak disrupting flights, the supplies too have been disrupted. According to the zoo staff, the pandas are fussy eaters and will reject bamboo that has spent a lot of time in transit.

Many on social networking sites reacted saying the pandas are “leading too luxurious a life”, but such comments are ridiculous. Animals eat what they have evolved to eat.

The pandas are possibly just two out of hundreds of animals who might be suffering because of the pandemic. In April, CNN reported that financial issues were forcing Neumünster Zoo in Germany to slaughter some animals to feed the others; similar things were reported from the United Kingdom and other countries.

So, instead of saying that pandas lead a luxurious life, we should say they are fortunate enough to have a hometown to return to when faced with difficulti­es. It is because China has largely controlled the novel coronaviru­s outbreak at home that it can consider getting the pandas back.

In fact, resumption of flights, reopening of zoos and return of normalcy can benefit millions of animals. It is hoped that other countries control the epidemic soon so that all animals can benefit.

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