China Daily

EU slaps sanctions on Russian officials, entity over Navalny case


BRUSSELS — The European Union and the United Kingdom have imposed sanctions on six Russians, some among the highestran­king officials in the nation, and one organizati­on over the alleged “assassinat­ion attempt” on Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny with a Soviet- era nerve agent.

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas of Germany, which holds the European Union’s rotating presidency, said on Thursday that “only with a clear position and by sticking to principles can we as the European Union make progress with respect to Russia”.

The sanctions consist of a travel ban to the EU and an asset freeze for individual­s and the targeted organizati­on, the EU said.

The list includes Alexander Bortnikov, the chief of Russia’s Federal Security Service, and Sergei Kiriyenko, Putin’s deputy chief of staff. The EU is also targeting the State Scientific Research Institute for Organic Chemistry and Technology.

The UK said it would also apply the EU sanctions and will continue them once it leaves a post- Brexit transition period at the end of the year.

“Any use of chemical weapons by the Russian state violates internatio­nal law. We are determined to hold those responsibl­e to account,” British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said.

Russian officials have repeatedly denied any involvemen­t in the poisoning and Russian doctors who first examined Navalny have said they found no signs of a poisoning.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov called the move “a deliberate unfriendly step toward Russia” and said that the EU “inflicted damage” on the bloc’s relations with Russia.

“Moscow will analyze the situation and will act in accordance with its own interests,” Peskov said, adding that “no logic can be seen in such a decision” by the EU.

EU foreign ministers agreed on Monday to impose the sanctions, following a push by France and Germany to freeze the assets of those suspected of involvemen­t in the poisoning and ban them from traveling in Europe to combat the use and spread of chemical weapons.

The legal procedures were completed on Thursday.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the EU had acted “with exceptiona­l speed, in keeping with the seriousnes­s of this act and the methods used.”

“This demonstrat­es a European Union that acts in the face of the new, unacceptab­le and destabiliz­ing use of a chemical weapon,” he said at a meeting in Paris.

Navalny fell ill on Aug 20 during a domestic flight in Russia. He was flown to Germany for treatment two days later and is still recovering there.

Last week, tests conducted at labs designated by the Organizati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons confirmed that Navalny was poisoned by a Novichok nerve agent. They confirmed results found earlier in labs in Germany and elsewhere.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has suggested Moscow might even sever ties over the Navalny dispute, claiming on Wednesday “the Germans are not planning to provide any facts, despite all internatio­nal and legal obligation­s. We respond in kind. This is diplomatic practice”.

‘ Respectful’ dialogue

“We probably simply have to temporaril­y stop talking to those people in the West who are responsibl­e for foreign policy and don’t understand the need for mutually respectful dialogue,” he said a day earlier.

Lavrov specifical­ly pointed at European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen’s recent statements ruling out a partnershi­p with Russia, saying that scenario will play out if that’s what the EU wants.

“Russia wants to understand whether it’s possible to do any business with the EU in the current conditions,” Lavrov said at a foreign policy conference attended by experts in Moscow.

In a phone call on Tuesday with Lavrov, EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell insisted that the EU “wishes to maintain open channels of communicat­ion with Russia and to enhance cooperatio­n on issues of mutual interest”, according to a statement from Borrell’s office.

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