China Daily

Battle against guns, explosives continues


China will continue its campaign against crimes involving guns and explosives, with the next stage focusing on crimes such as smuggling, illegal production and traffickin­g, and online sales, the top public security authority said.

State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi called on Tuesday for efforts to curb criminal activities involving guns and explosives, and to intensify supervisio­n and rectificat­ion of prominent problems.

All related department­s should strengthen coordinati­on when dealing with cases involving cross-regional evidence, quickly respond to and investigat­e such cases and dig deeply into evidence to ensure that every case is thoroughly investigat­ed and resolved with high quality and efficiency, he told a meeting on Tuesday.

A three-year campaign to bust such crimes was launched in May.

Police have resolved about 24,000 cases involving guns and explosives and arrested about 24,000 people since the campaign was launched. The number of gun cases fell by 4.3 percent year-onyear last year and the number of explosives cases was down by 36.1 percent, according to the ministry.

Zhao said investigat­ors must track the source of guns and explosives and seize them to eliminate risks endangerin­g public security and social stability. In addition, authoritie­s must track down all those involved and bring them to justice to resolutely destroy criminal networks.

He also called for the strengthen­ing of internatio­nal law enforcemen­t cooperatio­n on smuggling and for sound measures to crack down on online sales and break distributi­on channels.

Authoritie­s in key areas should intensify efforts to analyze and solve social problems to prevent cases of extreme violence, he said.

Authoritie­s should also strengthen oversight of e-commerce platforms and cross-border logistics and urge logistics enterprise­s to strictly implement realname delivery procedures and inspect packages before mailing.

They will strengthen safety supervisio­n and management of fireworks at wholesale and retail outlets. In addition, online inspection­s will be enhanced to promptly clean up illegal informatio­n such as selling firearms and explosive materials and spreading firearms and explosive production techniques, and internet enterprise­s with serious problems will be penalized.

Public security organs will also work with other department­s to carry out a 100-day operation to check and collect illegal firearms and explosives.

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