China Daily

US part of the problem, not part of the solution


Tensions between Israel and militant groups in the Gaza Strip continued to escalate on Sunday for the seventh day in a row, and the internatio­nal community needs to act with urgency to prevent the situation from further deteriorat­ing.

Each year, the conflict between Palestinia­ns and Israelis flares up around the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. But this year’s confrontat­ion is particular­ly violent.

Israeli air strikes have already caused huge Palestinia­n civilian casualties, including many women and children, and there have been Israeli fatalities from rockets launched from Gaza. At least 197 Palestinia­ns have been killed, including 58 children, and more than 1,200 wounded since Israel began its air strikes against Hamas on May 10. In Israel, 10 people, including one child, have been killed and 294 wounded in rocket attacks launched by armed groups in Gaza.

On Saturday, Israeli jets bombed and demolished Jala Tower, a high-rise building in Gaza City which houses offices of internatio­nal media outlets including Al-Jazeera TV and Associated Press for alleged connection to the Hamas intelligen­ce agency, resulting in claims that it was trying to silence the media.

On the surface, the latest round of the conflict was triggered by Israeli plans to evict Palestinia­ns from their homes in East Jerusalem. But this is just the latest eruption of violence in the decades-long enmity between the two sides, which needs both a short-term remedy and long-term solution.

As Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister

Wang Yi pointed out on Saturday, the root cause of the deteriorat­ion of the situation in the Middle East is that for a long time there has not been a just solution to the Palestinia­n issue. The Middle East peace process has deviated from its original track and the UN Security Council resolution­s have not been earnestly implemente­d.

Worse, the Palestinia­ns’ right to build an independen­t state has been continuous­ly violated, adding to the plight of the Palestinia­n people, which has, in turn, led to the intensific­ation of the Palestinia­n-Israeli confrontat­ion and frequent hostilitie­s.

To prevent more humanitari­an disasters from happening, there is a pressing need for a ceasefire between the belligeren­t parties.

China has pushed the UNSC to hold two emergency consultati­ons on the Palestine-Israel conflict this month and drafted a statement in a bid to guide the UNSC to take actions. But regrettabl­y, the United States has stood on the opposite side of internatio­nal justice, obstructin­g any agreement.

China will continue to do its best to promote a two-state solution and peaceful coexistenc­e between Palestine and Israel. To this end, Wang Yi reiterated on Saturday China’s invitation for Palestine and Israel to hold direct talks in China.

On its part, the US should behave like a responsibl­e power and view the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict through a more impartial and objective lens other than always showing favoritism to Israel. As an important player in both the conflict and the region, the world’s sole superpower should do more to end the hostilitie­s.

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