China Daily

G7’s meddling in nation’s domestic affairs opposed


There should be no bloc politics based on cliques or suppressio­n of different developmen­t models based on ideology, and no one should confuse right and wrong to shift blame.”

Beijing expressed dissatisfa­ction and opposition on Tuesday to a G7 statement that deliberate­ly slanders China over issues including Hong Kong, Xinjiang and Taiwan affairs, urging G7 countries not to interfere in China’s internal affairs.

Zhao Lijian, spokesman of the Foreign Ministry, said at a daily news conference that China-related contents in the “2021 G7 Leaders’ communique: Our shared agenda for global action to build back better” have exposed the malicious intention of the United States and some other countries to artificial­ly create confrontat­ion and exaggerate difference­s.

It violated the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the trend of peaceful developmen­t and win-win cooperatio­n, Zhao said.

Affairs relating to the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the Hong Kong Special Administra­tive Region and Taiwan are China’s domestic affairs that brook no external interferen­ce, he said, adding that China is firmly committed to safeguardi­ng its national sovereignt­y, security and developmen­t interests.

“Gone are the days when a single country or one group of countries can dictate to the whole world,” he said, adding that unity and cooperatio­n are needed now more than ever for the internatio­nal community.

Zhao called for practicing true multilater­alism, saying, “There should be no bloc politics based

Zhao Lijian, spokesman of the Foreign Ministry

on cliques or suppressio­n of different developmen­t models based on ideology, and no one should confuse right and wrong to shift blame.”

“The United States is very ill indeed — the G7 had better take its pulse and come up with a prescripti­on,” he said.

The G7 communique, released on Sunday, scolded Beijing over a range of issues, such as human rights in Xinjiang and situations in the Taiwan Straits and the East and South China Seas.

Like many other people concerned about the continuati­on of “civilizati­on” as we know it, I followed the Group of Seven Summit at Carbis Bay in Cornwall, the United Kingdom, with particular interest only to be disappoint­ed in the end. Much of the three-day meeting seemed to focus on the Joe Biden administra­tion’s continuing fixation on “democracie­s” versus “autocracie­s” in general, and on China in particular.

While, with Donald Trump no longer leading the United States, the G7 summit was a much less chaotic affair than in the previous four years, it was still nothing more than a better-organized continuati­on of the confrontat­ional Trump line when it came to China.

The confabulat­ion showed US President Joe Biden continues to be laser-focused on pressuring so-called democratic countries, whether in agreement or not, to submit to his will, and pushing, pulling or dragging them into a coalition, which to varying degrees is inconsiste­nt with their national interests, in pursuit of his anti-China agenda.

As an American I had hoped for much more, but wasn’t surprised as the Sino-US relationsh­ip continues to rapidly descend down the slippery slope.

It wasn’t too long ago that many of us looked forward, at the very least, to the new US policy toward China that Antony Blinken talked about last summer, half a year before he became the US secretary of state: a competitiv­e race to the top and not to the bottom. Even this February, we could take hope despite Biden talking about “extreme competitio­n” with China, because it takes two to tango and to compete.

In his first foreign policy speech as secretary of state, Blinken said the US’ approach toward China will be “competitiv­e when it should be, collaborat­ive when it can be and adversaria­l when it must be”. This indicated he recognized that there are areas of cooperatio­n and benefit where the interests of China and the US overlap.

But cold reality set in a fortnight later at the Sino-American high-level meetings in Anchorage, Alaska, where the atmosphere inside was more frigid than the snow and ice outside, although there was a glimmer of optimism in the recognitio­n of potential cooperatio­n on climate change by the world’s two leading economies.

But hope was shattered when Biden’s “Asia czar” on the National Security Council, Kurt Campbell, architect of the US’ pivot to Asia policy in 2011, announced three weeks ago that after almost five decades of Sino-American relations, “the period described as engagement has come to an end”. This pronouncem­ent left little room for cooperatio­n and replaced Blinken’s formulatio­n with a much more aggressive and ominous one: compete, confront and contain China.

It’s no surprise then that during the Cornwall summit and in the concluding nearly 14,000-word Carbis Bay G7 communique, the 3-C formula was omnipresen­t. But it wasn’t necessaril­y smooth sailing as it likely would have been for a post-World War II, pre-Trump US president to impose his will on erstwhile allies since the national interests of G7 members continue to diverge today.

It once again proved the maxim of British diplomat Lord Palmerston (1784-1865) that “we have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow.”

Thus, while there was general agreement among the G7 members to work toward Biden’s goal of competing with China, there was no agreement on just how adversaria­l a public position the US’ allies should take against China. Canada, France and the UK largely endorsed Biden’s position on China as an existentia­l threat, but Germany, Italy and the European Union were more hesitant to do so.

And it will not be easy to implement even the generalize­d areas of the agreement to counter China, which are more like wish-lists than concrete plans with funded commitment­s.

A prime example is the newly minted Biden-led effort of the G7 to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative called the “Build Back Better World”. According to the White House, it is designed to “help narrow the $40+ trillion infrastruc­ture need in the developing world, which has been exacerbate­d by the COVID-19 pandemic”.

But how will it be funded? Again according to the White House, the Biden administra­tion will work with Congress to supplement existing developmen­t financing and to “collective­ly catalyze hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastruc­ture investment”. Really? Work with the same divided Congress that doesn’t even support Biden’s domestic infrastruc­ture bill?

The Republican “America firsters” can hardly spend even a fraction of the trillions of dollars necessary to fund the US share of “Build Back Better World”.

This is also a case of déjà vu. In 2018, Trump and previous US secretary of state Mike Pompeo proposed a largely private sector-funded effort to rival the Belt and Road Initiative. However, people didn’t hear much about it, because even with all the arm-twisting they used, they could raise only a meager $113 million. Now they’re trying to flog the same dead horse.

The Belt and Road Initiative has been around since President Xi Jinping proposed it in 2013. As of mid-2020, the initiative had facilitate­d more than 2,600 projects in 100 emerging economies at a cost of $3.7 trillion. Comparing the US track record and China’s experience, it’s theoretica­lly possible that “Build Back Better World” is viable, but I wouldn’t bet on it.

It’s impossible to tell at this juncture which of the many G7 initiative­s agreed in principle will move from words on a page to actual implementa­tion. But it’s fair to conclude that Biden’s idea of raising a compliant coalition of the willing to successful­ly compete, confront and contain a more confident and accomplish­ed China has no more than an Alaskan snowball’s chance in hell.

And it will not be easy to implement even the generalize­d areas of the agreement to counter China, which are more like wish-lists than concrete plans with funded commitment­s.

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