China Daily

What they say


Editor’s note: Women have played a significan­t role in China’s economic and social developmen­t. There are now more than 25 million female Party members — accounting for over 27 percent of its total membership. The Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee invited five female Party members to share their stories on Tuesday.

About half the directors of the institute I serve in have been women, ever since its establishm­ent decades ago. The research work we’ve endeavored to do is about rural energy sources, like crop straw and animal droppings, which may be boring to most people. However, generation­s of female directors of our institute led us to tackle technologi­cal problems, no matter how tough the research environmen­t was in the old days. Now, half our workers are women and they are resilient and persistent in their desire to make contributi­ons to the nation.

Shen Yujun, 37, institute director with the Academy of Agricultur­al Planning and Engineerin­g

My decision to work in a community was strongly opposed by my family members as my child was just at the age for schooling (in 1997). But I didn’t compromise as I believed I could manage well. At that time, I worked hard in the community and took care of my kid and the old folk at night. For women, I think it is important we can use good performanc­e at work to win trust from our family members, showing them we are confident and independen­t.

Liu Juan, 59, Party secretary of Lingxi community, Lishan district, Anshan, Liaoning province

More than half the medical workers I know are women who have their families, children and loved ones. We hope that we can give more love to them. However, we always choose to spend our time saving the patients whenever there are emergencie­s. It’s our efforts, efforts by female doctors and nurses, that secure the happiness of thousands of families.

Lu Shengmei, 77, former deputy head of Jiaxian People’s Hospital in Yulin, Shaanxi province

We hope that the children can use their knowledge in real life rather than just learning. As a mother, and also a female Party member, I am very grateful. What I want to say to my peers is that we should cherish ourselves when we make contributi­ons to the family and society. Take good care of the body and the soul. We should tell the men that we deserve respect and show them our values.

Lu Yongli, 49, principal of Beijing No 2 Experiment­al Primary School

In the constructi­on engineerin­g industry that I work in, most workers are men — around 90 percent. Female workers like me, especially serving in grassroots posts, only number a handful. We always encounter different weather conditions on constructi­on sites, such as high temperatur­es and freezing wind, which may sometimes even scare men off, let alone women. But I always tell myself to never hold back, we women can play key roles as long as we strive to do our best.

Guan Gaiyu, 33, nondestruc­tive testing operator with China Railway 17th Bureau Group

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