China Daily

WHO warns virus moves quicker than jabs


GENEVA — The World Health Organizati­on warned on Monday that COVID-19 was moving faster than the vaccines, and said the G7’s vow to share a billion doses with poorer nations was simply not enough.

Global health leaders warned the pledge was too little, too late, with more than 11 billion shots needed to stop the pandemic.

Faced with outrage over disparitie­s in jab access, the Group of Seven nations pledged during a weekend summit in Britain to take their total dose donations to more than 1 billion, up from 130 million promised in February.

“I welcome the announceme­nt that G7 countries will donate 870 million (new) vaccine doses, primarily through COVAX,” WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s said in a news conference.

“This is a big help, but we need more, and we need them faster. Right now, the virus is moving faster than the global distributi­on of vaccines. More than 10,000 people are dying every day. These communitie­s need vaccines, and they need them now, not next year.”

In terms of doses administer­ed, the imbalance between the G7 and low-income countries, as defined by the World Bank, is 73 to one.

Many of the donated G7 doses will be filtered through COVAX, a global body charged with ensuring equitable vaccine distributi­on.

Run by the WHO, the Gavi vaccine alliance and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedne­ss Innovation­s, the program has to date shipped more than 87 million vaccine doses to 131 countries. That is far fewer than anticipate­d.

Medical charity Doctors Without Borders questioned how sincere the G7 was in pursuing vaccine equity.

“We need to see more clarity around the actual number of doses donated, and exactly how long it’s going to take to translate their pledges into real impact and access,” the medical charity’s Hu Yuanqiong said.

Battle plan

The G7 anti-pandemic battle plan includes commitment­s to avert future pandemics, slashing the time taken to develop and license vaccines to under 100 days, reinforcin­g global surveillan­ce and strengthen­ing the WHO. But observers voiced doubts at the group’s willingnes­s to follow through on the last point.

“I will believe (that) point when the contributi­ons to WHO are increased,” tweeted Ilona Kickbusch, founding director and chair of the Global Health Centre in Geneva.

Others stressed the need to quickly resolve the issue of COVID vaccine patent protection­s, to boost production. Negotiatio­ns toward a possible suspension of intellectu­al property protection­s for vaccines, as well as other medical tools needed to battle the pandemic, have just begun at the World Trade Organizati­on after months of contentiou­s debate.

The WHO on Monday also urged countries to close a funding gap of $16 billion for the Access to COVID19 Tools Accelerato­r project, which aims to accelerate the developmen­t, production, and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines left unanswered by participan­ts in the G7 summit.

“We have to close that financing gap. The world has the resources to rapidly close a 16-to-17 billion (dollar) gap,” said Bruce Aylward, senior adviser to the WHO directorge­neral.

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