China Daily

Teacher preserves folk song charm in English


XI’AN — In the northweste­rn city of Yan’an, college teacher Wen Shilong has become somewhat of a celebrity for singing local Shaanbei folk songs. Not only does Wen sing them in a silvery voice and unique charm, but the English teacher also sings them in English with the lyrics translated from regional dialects.

Many locals see the 57-year-old Wen as a dedicated preserver of Shaanbei folk songs, an age-old genre that features powerful and usually high-pitched melodies. The songs are also characteri­zed by lively rhythms and bold lyrics that portray happiness and hardships of life on the Loess Plateau in Shaanxi province.

In Wen’s English classes at Yan’an Vocational and Technical College, the veteran teacher is often dressed in traditiona­l Tang clothing, instructin­g his students to rehearse English versions of Shaanbei folk songs.

“The students are just crazy about the songs presented in a new form,” he says.

Wen’s repertoire now comprises more than 100 folk songs that he has translated into English. This includes the famous revolution­ary song Nanniwan, based on the eponymous revolution­ary site in Yan’an. It also includes the song Wild Lily Flowers Blooming with Red Brilliance, depicting the local natural landscape.

For Wen, there is no greater honor than to introduce his most cherished art to the younger generation and bring it onto the internatio­nal stage with a creative twist.

“I just hope my translatio­ns can help more people know and love Shaanbei folk songs,” he says.

Wen started to translate Shaanbei folk songs in 2008 with the encouragem­ent of a musician friend. An amateur singer and lifelong folk song lover himself, he had doubts about the move in the beginning.

“I thought translatio­n was tiring and pointless work at that time,” he recalls. “Then I remembered the many times that I performed folk songs for my foreign friends, who missed a significan­t part of the meaning because of the language barrier. That’s why I decided to give it a try.”

Much to Wen’s surprise, the translatio­ns turned out to be even more challengin­g than he initially expected. Shaanbei folk songs employ many metaphors and other rhetorical styles. They are performed in local dialects, making it complicate­d to keep their original meaning in English already, let alone retain their charm.

“Translatin­g folk songs is essentiall­y a multidisci­plinary work. One has to be a good singer, interprete­r and folklorist all at once to do a decent job,” Wen says.

To preserve the original charm of Shaanbei folk songs as much as possible during the translatio­n process, Wen employs several methods such as literal and interpreti­ve translatio­n and omission, and has even tried to integrate a rap style into the music.

To date, Wen has performed his Shaanbei folk songs on many domestic television programs and concerts. He has also performed in foreign countries, including Turkey, the United States, Australia and New Zealand.

Wen’s most memorable performanc­e was in Australia, where a young Australian girl came up to take a photo with him after the show. She told him that she understood the lyrics and liked his version of Chinese folk music.

“At that time, I was even more determined to continue with my translatio­n work and let people across the world understand China through my translatio­ns and singing,” he says.

Translatin­g folk songs is essentiall­y a multidisci­plinary work. One has to be a good singer, interprete­r and folklorist all at once to do a decent job.”

Wen Shilong, English teacher, Yan’an Vocational and Technical College

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