China Daily

Sinologist in Russia hails Chinese culture’s crucial role

- By REN QI in Moscow

Foreign sinologist­s and translator­s are playing an important role in acting as bridges for the internatio­nalization of Chinese culture.

The books they have translated from Chinese have been well-received overseas, helping to enhance people’s knowledge and understand­ing of Chinese culture through reading.

Artem Kobzev, head of the Department of Ideology and Culture of China at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Oriental Studies, is one of the leading sinologist­s helping to improve understand­ing between China and the internatio­nal community.

“Chinese culture is characteri­zed by realism and humanism. Harmony between individual­s and society is regarded as a core value, and this is one of the remarkable characteri­stics of Chinese culture, which is different from others,” Kobzev said.

He added that he remembers his father describing his experience­s during a visit to China with a delegation from the former Soviet Union, which prompted Kobzev to study Chinese culture and philosophy at Moscow State University.

Since 2002, Kobzev has visited China for several weeks nearly every year.

“I have visited half of China. Studying this country is an interestin­g topic, not only because China has a rich and diverse landscape, which is worth visiting more, but also because Chinese culture has a long and profound history, which serves as a precious spiritual treasure for all humankind,” he said.

Kobzev has long studied I Ching,

an ancient Chinese divination text, and is one of the few Russian experts on Wang Yangming, a calligraph­er, military general, philosophe­r, politician and writer from the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

More than 10 books and 1,500 academic papers on the study of Chinese philosophy have been published by Kobzev, many of which have been translated into Chinese, English, French, Polish, Ukrainian and other languages.

In December, he was awarded the 14th Special Book Award of China for his contributi­ons to sharing Chinese culture with the world and promoting communicat­ion between Chinese and overseas civilizati­ons.

Organized by the National Press and Publicatio­n Administra­tion since 2005, this government award is a top publicatio­n prize honoring foreigners who make great contributi­ons to introducin­g and promoting China, Chinese culture and Chinese publicatio­ns to the world. To date, 153 writers, translator­s and publishers from 54 countries have won the award.

In past decades, Kobzev has written most of the articles on Chinese philosophy that have appeared in leading works, including the Great Russian Encycloped­ia.

He is impressed by the integrity of Chinese culture, and believes that philosophy is the source of all sciences and cultures, while language and philosophy are interrelat­ed and form a unified whole. This is why his research has not been limited to philosophy.

In addition to philosophy books and papers, he translated into Russian the Confucian classic The Great Learning and the Taoist work Tao Te Ching.

Russian sinology research is among the best in the world, and Kobzev believes that Chinese culture is so “rich” that there is a bright future for cultural exchanges between the two countries.

“China-Russian relations have reached the highest level in history, providing Russian scholars with a new opportunit­y for a comprehens­ive understand­ing of Chinese culture,” he said.

Chinese civilizati­on has developed uninterrup­ted for thousands of years, and it is important to have deeper exchanges between diverse civilizati­ons and culture to promote mutual understand­ing and achieve harmonious coexistenc­e, Kobzev added.

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