China Daily

‘Voluntary’ vaccinatio­n principle must be upheld nationwide


Whether or not one is inoculated with a novel coronaviru­s vaccine has a bearing on not only the concerned person’s health and safety but also on those of other people. That is why China adheres to the principle of “informed, consented and voluntary” vaccinatio­n.

However, in recent days, the epidemic prevention and control authoritie­s in quite a few places have issued notices or made announceme­nts emphasizin­g that “all vaccinatio­ns should be carried out” while restrictin­g some public activities of those who have not been vaccinated.

According to incomplete statistics, more than 20 local authoritie­s in Shaanxi, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian and other provinces, through notices or public announceme­nts, have said that except for those with contraindi­cations, non-vaccinated persons are barred from entering bus and train stations, airports, medical institutio­ns, nursing homes, schools, supermarke­ts, shopping malls and other key public places.

Some local authoritie­s have even barred rural market vendors from selling their wares until they are vaccinated, while schools have temporaril­y stopped admitting children until their family members have been vaccinated.

Some people have raised objections against such measures. However, one should not forget that the epidemic is still raging in many parts of the world, necessitat­ing universal vaccinatio­n to achieve herd immunity. At a time when many countries are facing difficulti­es procuring vaccines, China is providing free and universal vaccinatio­n for its people and those in some other countries.

But as China enters the later stage of the vaccinatio­n drive, some local government department­s are under greater pressure to complete the task. Some of them have even taken special measures to do so but they should keep in mind that however urgent and important it might be, the work should be done in accordance with the law and regulation­s, and scientific­ally, and people should not be forcibly inoculated.

While vaccinatio­n is needed to protect people’s lives, one cannot ignore the decision of those who do not wish to be vaccinated. While some among those resisting vaccinatio­n may be suspicious of science, there are many others who may not want to be vaccinated because of factors such as medical contraindi­cations, pregnancy or because they have not reached the required age. It is not right to forcibly vaccinate such people.

The regulation restrictin­g non-vaccinated people from traveling or subjecting them to other restrictio­ns not only violates the voluntary vaccinatio­n principle, but also affects the vaccinatio­n drive.

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