China Daily

US ploy to maintain hegemony

- The author is an observer on internatio­nal affairs. The views don’t necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

The Joe Biden administra­tion has been reiteratin­g “America is back” ever since assuming office to show the United States is ready to reclaim its global leadership. As such, multilater­alism, which previous US president Donald Trump was vehemently against, has become a linchpin of US diplomacy.

To show the world that it is committed to multilater­alism, the US administra­tion has taken some swift actions including rejoining the Paris Agreement and the World Health Organizati­on, seeking a return to the Human Rights Council and joining COVAX, COVID-19 Vaccines Global Access. Biden even hosted the Leaders Summit on Climate in April to show the US is serious about its global commitment­s.

The US knows it cannot contain the novel coronaviru­s pandemic, boost the economic recovery, and fight climate change — three of the Biden administra­tion’s top-four priorities — without multilater­al cooperatio­n.

So is the US really back?

Just by claiming to have brought multilater­alism back to the front of US diplomacy, the Biden administra­tion has thrilled the US allies. The United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Japan, among others, have welcomed the US’ “return” in the hope it will promote a “rules-based internatio­nal order”. And yet they are using NATO, G7, the Five Eyes, the Quad and other organizati­ons and platforms to smear China on issues such as the origin of the virus, Xinjiang and Hong Kong, and building ideologica­l (essentiall­y antiChina) groups in the name of promoting multilater­alism and global cooperatio­n.

It appears the US allies are more comfortabl­e with a US that wears the mask of multilater­alism than with a US that withdraws from internatio­nal organizati­ons and agreements.

The US agenda, be it unilateral­ism or multilater­alism, has always been driven by self-interest, and aimed at containing other countries’ rise and maintainin­g its global hegemony. The US believes in only one ism, and that is hegemonism.

It is not difficult to see the hypocrisy of US-style multilater­alism. The US may have returned to the WHO, joined COVAX, and asked Big Pharma to waive the patents on COVID-19 vaccines, but it has also ordered about 2 billion vaccines, more than a quarter of the total global production, although its population accounts for only 4 percent of the world’s total.

Are these Biden-style multilater­alism and global cooperatio­n?

In the global fight against climate change, the US is a self-proclaimed leader. But while it forces other countries to take on more responsibi­lities, it has never admitted that it is the largest carbon emitter in cumulative terms, and refuses to shoulder proportion­ate responsibi­lities in the global fight against climate change.

Ideology is another driving force of US-style multilater­alism. NATO, Five Eyes, G7 and D10 (the world’s 10 largest “democracie­s”) are all exclusiona­ry circles with the US at the core, and forged along the fault lines of histories, cultures and social systems. They use “democracy, freedom, and human rights” as tools to bully other countries, and employ every possible means to subvert, contain and suppress them.

The US fueled the “Arab Spring” in the Middle East, and used the region as a testing ground for “American democracy”. But even after a decade, the only “success” it has to show is social turmoil, political chaos, economic woes, and human tragedy. The humanitari­an tragedy of the Syrian civil war is heart-wrenching. As for the Afghanista­n peace and reconcilia­tion process, it faces a bumpy road ahead. And in more ways than one “American multilater­alism” is to blame for all that.

Yet the US is trying to rally likeminded countries to sling mud at China under the pretext of human rights.

Besides, US-style multilater­alism is based on geopolitic­s. The US’ Indo-Pacific strategy and NATO’s eastward expansion are just two examples of how the US intends to fulfill its geopolitic­al goals. Least concerned about the worsening global security environmen­t, the US still clings to Cold War thinking and never hesitates to manipulate hot spot issues to its advantage.

As a result, regional conflicts keep flaring up, and religious extremism and terrorism cannot be contained, or political, security and military risks reduced.

More importantl­y, self-interest is central to US-style multilater­alism. No wonder the US doesn’t want developing countries to gain more rule-making powers in multilater­al institutio­ns. To maintain its hold over global rule-making and thus the power to serve its own interests, the US has been using multilater­al and global organizati­ons to amass wealth and power, which is against the spirit and principle of true multilater­alism.

True multilater­alism is defined by openness, inclusiven­ess, rule of law, dialogue and cooperatio­n, and evolves with the times. It respects the internatio­nal system with the United Nations at its core, helps maintain the world order based on internatio­nal law, and follows and safeguards the UN Charter. None of which applies to US-style multilater­alism.

So the slogan “America is back” is just that, a slogan. It is bandied about in the name of multilater­alism using democracy, freedom, and human rights. The US is using them to acquire political benefits and maintain its global hegemony. And with more countries refusing to fall into its democracy-freedom-human rights trap, the US is now faking to uphold multilater­alism, in a desperate bid to maintain its hegemony.

“America is back”, but only to hold on to its global hegemony. Fake multilater­alism has no market, and therefore it cannot help the US maintain its hegemony. The internatio­nal community has seen through the US’ ploys.


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