China Daily

Asian Americans rally against racism, violence


WASHINGTON — Asian Americans from across the United States came to Washington, DC, on Saturday to call for an end to racial hatred and violence that has increased significan­tly amid the pandemic.

Under a burning sun in early summer, demonstrat­ors gathered at the eastern end of the National Mall, with many of them holding self-made banners reading “Stop Asian Hate”, “Asian and Proud” and “Love us like you love our food”, for what organizers described as a “Unity March”.

“We’re here to ensure that our voices are heard as we try to make sure that there’s racial equity and safety for our community, as well as all communitie­s here in the United States,” Christine Chen, executive director of Asian Pacific Islander American Vote, told Xinhua News Agency.

The rally came as the United States has largely moved on from COVID-19 though it continues to sicken nearly 100,000 individual­s and take hundreds of lives in the nation on a daily basis. Meanwhile, hate against Asians in the country remains out there and poses a threat to their safety and well-being.

“As we know in the last few years, there have been escalation­s in terms of attacks, not only on Asian Americans, but also on blacks, Latinos and other marginaliz­ed communitie­s,” Chen said.

Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, or AAPI, have reported nearly 11,000 hate incidents against them between March 2020 and December 2021, said a report published earlier this year by Stop AAPI Hate.

Jean Park, a high school student from Philadelph­ia, told Xinhua there was “a rise in Asian hate” even within her school after the pandemic broke out.

Some US politician­s and media outlets fabricated and spread conspiracy theories about COVID-19 to deflect the responsibi­lity for a botched response to the public health crisis, fanning flames of racism and xenophobia with Asian Americans falling victim to their lies and rhetoric.

“There have been a lot of microaggre­ssions and a lot of people think that because of the coronaviru­s, they can start blaming Asian Americans,” said Park, who started a “Stop Asian Hate” walk in response to those racially charged behaviors.

In remarks from the Rose Garden of the White House last month, Vice-President Kamala Harris said: “Racism is real in America. It has always been,” Harris, who has South Asian American heritage, acknowledg­ed. “Xenophobia is real in America. It has always been.”

At the National Mall rally on Saturday, Anthony Lee, an artist from Detroit, was holding up his latest painting for the 40th anniversar­y of the murder of Vincent Chin, a Chinese American killed in a racially motivated hate crime by two white autoworker­s in 1982.

Lee said he had been concerned throughout the COVID-19 pandemic that similar things would happen somewhere in the country because of political stunts and scapegoati­ng of Asians, a phenomenon that has repeated itself in times of economic downturns, wars and diseases. “It’s too convenient” for people to blame others for the problem, he said. “We have to be better than that,” he said.

 ?? SHURAN HUANG / REUTERS ?? Activists take part in the “Unity March”, an Asian American-led event held in Washington on Saturday.
SHURAN HUANG / REUTERS Activists take part in the “Unity March”, an Asian American-led event held in Washington on Saturday.

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