China Daily

Unique sectors inject momentum into local economy

- By LI JIAYING mu mu.

In the bustling harvest season this winter, fields in Changyi, a countyleve­l city in Shandong province, are replete with a fruitful yield of reeds, signaling a prosperous year for local farmers.

Covering an area of 3,000 (200 hectares), the reed fields have become a source of economic prosperity for villagers in Changyi.

The skills of people in the city have transforme­d the tall reeds into a lucrative tool for income generation, as reed processing has emerged as a unique industry driving the local economy.

“The reeds have grown well this year, and I’ve contracted 200 The harvested reeds are mainly used to make reed curtains, and the income is quite good,” said Li Hujun, a farmer from Changyi.

As China continues on its path of advancing rural vitalizati­on and boosting modernizat­ion of the countrysid­e in the new year, it will keep cultivatin­g rural industries in a precise and pragmatic manner, improving the mechanism of connecting farmers with the market, and taking more steps to increase farmers’ incomes and drive rural developmen­t, according to the annual central rural work conference held in Beijing in December.

“The revitaliza­tion of industries is a top priority during the process of rural vitalizati­on. We will focus on expanding the multifunct­ionality of agricultur­e, developing diverse values in rural areas, and pushing forward rural industries with unique features in the future,” said Minister of Agricultur­e and Rural Affairs, Tang Renjian, in an earlier interview.

Agricultur­al clusters with distinctiv­e features and specialize­d products will have a key role to play, Tang said.

The developmen­t of rural industries should be based on local resource advantages, giving full play to the distinctiv­e characteri­stics of the region, said Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the rural developmen­t institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Throughout 2023, Changyi strategica­lly prioritize­d agricultur­al developmen­t as a key driver for fostering the local economy’s distinctiv­e features.

By leveraging unique agricultur­al resources, adjusting the agricultur­al industry structure, and promoting the developmen­t of specialize­d agricultur­al brands, the city is actively contributi­ng to the high-quality growth of its agricultur­al sector.

“We aim to make industries with unique features the pillar industries that drive farmers’ income growth by improving the quality and efficiency of agricultur­al supply. We are also consistent­ly introducin­g policies that benefit and support new business operators and farmers in their industrial developmen­t, and providing additional subsidies to help them embrace modern agricultur­e,” said Yan Wenzhi, head of Changyi’s agricultur­e and rural affairs bureau.

In addition to these efforts, Changyi is also actively engaging in comprehens­ive education and training for farmers to enhance their overall capabiliti­es. The objective is to cultivate farmers who are not only skilled in agricultur­e, but also possess cultural knowledge, technical expertise, good management skills and entreprene­urial acumen, according to the local government.

To inject momentum and vitality into agricultur­al modernizat­ion, it is important to strengthen the driving forces of science and technology and reform, intensify efforts to achieve breakthrou­ghs in core technologi­es, and improve work mechanisms for agricultur­e, rural areas and farmers, said the rural work conference.

To achieve this goal, the city is ramping up efforts to optimize its training and branding mechanism for farmers, through a series of educationa­l activities focusing on improving planting skills, establishi­ng agricultur­al product brands, and mastering marketing strategies.

A total of 2,432 individual­s have completed high-quality farmers’ training so far, while 314 grassroots agricultur­al technician­s have undergone specialize­d training, a testament to the city’s commitment to creating a more sustainabl­e and prosperous future for its agricultur­al communitie­s, said the local government.

Currently, the county-level city has successful­ly applied for the recognitio­n of 12 villages as provincial­ly acknowledg­ed villages with renowned brands, one town as a provincial-level strong agricultur­al township, and two provincial-level agricultur­al industrial­ization demonstrat­ion joint bodies.

We will focus on expanding the multifunct­ionality of agricultur­e, developing diverse values in rural areas, and pushing forward rural industries with unique features in the future.”

Tang Renjian, minister of agricultur­e and rural affairs

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