China Daily

Experts: Public must boost awareness about scams


Security experts and legal officials are calling for telecom fraud to be tackled at its origins, while stressing the importance of risk prevention and raising public awareness about the threat.

A recent Supreme People’s Procurator­ate report showed a noticeable increase in telecom fraud prosecutio­ns and associated crimes during the first 10 months of 2023.

The report underscore­d the need to strengthen the developmen­t and implementa­tion of big data supervisor­y models for the detection of fraud. This supervisio­n will help in the identifica­tion of significan­t risks in susceptibl­e areas such as telecommun­ications, finance and the internet.

The report advocates collaborat­ion between the procurator­ate and other department­s to assist entities and enterprise­s in addressing operationa­l vulnerabil­ities.

Emphasizin­g the importance of concentrat­ing efforts on regions, industries and demographi­cs with higher risks of fraud, the report recommends ongoing anti-fraud public education through various means. Establishi­ng a robust anti-fraud awareness among the public is essential, it added.

Liu Jie, deputy head of the Police Associatio­n of China, said telecom fraud has become a significan­t crime affecting social security and posing the most substantia­l threat to people’s lives and property.

Cross-border telecom fraud, while leaving traces online, presents challenges when it comes to on-site evidence collection and the apprehensi­on of suspects, and crossborde­r law enforcemen­t activities require cooperatio­n between countries. Prosecutin­g such cases is also challengin­g due to the need for a complete chain of evidence, he said.

However, combating telecom fraud is not the sole responsibi­lity of law enforcemen­t agencies and requires the active participat­ion of the broader society to establish a comprehens­ive system for prevention, control and management of such crimes, he said.

In November, the Ministry of Public Security issued a draft of the Joint Disciplina­ry Measures for Telecom Fraud and Related Crimes to solicit public opinions. Graded punishment­s for telecom scammers and entities in the sectors of finance, telecom networks and credit are included in the draft.

Disciplina­ry measures will be imposed based on the severity of the offenses. For instance, a disciplina­ry period of three years will be imposed on individual­s held criminally responsibl­e for telecom fraud and related crimes, according to the draft.

Pei Wei, a professor at Beihang University’s Law School, said at a recent forum on the challenges of combating telecom fraud, that the government is taking a comprehens­ive approach by targeting each link related to the crime.

The Ministry of Public Security’s draft joint disciplina­ry measures are intended for “front-end governance” of telecom fraud. A series of industry norms have emerged around telecom fraud, which emphasizes the main responsibi­lity of network service providers in combating the issue, she said.

One of the most challengin­g aspects of stopping telecom fraud is its internatio­nal dimension. Fraudsters often transfer criminal organizati­ons, equipment and funds overseas to evade Chinese investigat­ive authoritie­s. Traditiona­l criminal proceeding­s are limited by territoria­l jurisdicti­ons, and fraudsters exploit the fact that Chinese investigat­ors cannot directly conduct investigat­ions and evidence collection abroad, Pei said.

As digital and social networks continue to evolve, cross-border criminal activities are expected to become more common, intensifyi­ng the challenges to the traditiona­l legal framework, she said.

“In recent years, there have been positive exploratio­ns at the internatio­nal level regarding cross-border investigat­ions and evidence collection for cybercrime­s, an area where our future participat­ion needs strengthen­ing,” she said.

Telecom fraud scams are diverse, constantly evolving, and encompass wide-ranging domains. As technology advances, criminal tactics and organizati­onal forms are also being upgraded and pose more challenges.

Pei highlighte­d the importance of the government’s need to keep pace with technologi­cal developmen­ts and anticipate criminal intentions in the fight against telecom fraud.

“Governance efforts are striving to move preventive measures to the forefront, and the aim is to control telecom fraud at the source,” she said.

Comprehens­ive governance of the telecom fraud chain will remain a primary strategy in the future. This involves coordinati­on between different department­s and domains and imposing higher requiremen­ts for regulation, she said.

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