China Daily

Shanghai goes big on smart factories

- By WANG YING in Shanghai

Shanghai is determined to consolidat­e its leading position in intelligen­t manufactur­ing by building 70 new intelligen­t factories this year, and 200 new intelligen­t factories and 20 benchmark factories by the end of 2025, official sources said on Thursday.

Some 70 new intelligen­t factories covering key industries, including automotive, high-end equipment and electronic informatio­n, will be built this year in an effort to achieve systematic optimizati­on and overall enhancemen­t in products’ full life-cycles, manufactur­ing procedures and various supply-chain processes, said Zhang Ying, director of the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatiz­ation, during a smart factory constructi­on promotion conference in Shanghai on Wednesday.

The East China cosmopolis is the nation’s largest integrated solutions provider for intelligen­t manufactur­ing systems and one of the core equipment industrial clusters of intelligen­t manufactur­ing.

As manufactur­ing is critical for China’s overall developmen­t, intelligen­t manufactur­ing is vital in enhancing core competitiv­eness of the nation’s industries. It also plays an important role in accelerati­ng new industrial­ization, said Chen Jie, vice-mayor of Shanghai.

“Therefore, it is an inevitable choice for megacities like Shanghai to take smart factories as a key area for the digital transforma­tion of the manufactur­ing sector, and to accelerate the constructi­on of smart factories,” Chen said.

In the past few years, Shanghai has consolidat­ed its developmen­t of intelligen­t factories, expanding the ecosystem of intelligen­t manufactur­ing. It has also gradually improved the toolbox of innovative developmen­t policies.

With equal focus on both quantity and quality, Shanghai’s intelligen­t manufactur­ing has developed well with all-around achievemen­ts to show for it, Zhang said.

“Shanghai has so far built 19 national-level smart factories, 100 municipal-level smart factories and more than 1,000 intelligen­t manufactur­ing applicatio­ns. More than 70 percent of the city’s industrial enterprise­s above the designated size, or with an annual revenue of 20 million yuan ($2.79 million) or above each, have conducted intelligen­t factory evaluation,” said Zhang.

According to Zhang, the constructi­on of intelligen­t factories has improved industrial enterprise­s’ quality and efficiency. Production efficiency of Shanghai’s intelligen­t factories has increased by more than 50 percent on average, while operationa­l costs fell by more than 30 percent and energy consumptio­n was down by nearly 14 percent.

“With support and help from various government divisions, we have constantly improved our intelligen­t manufactur­ing, and finally reached a high level of automation,” said Xu Xiaoying, director of operations at Aptiv Electrical Centers (Shanghai) Co.

According to Xu, enterprise­s are increasing­ly benefiting from the integrated resources and industrial chain created by the Shanghai Commission of Economy and Informatiz­ation.

Through accelerate­d cultivatio­n of a batch of world-class intelligen­t manufactur­ing system integratio­n businesses, Shanghai has seen this segment’s output value exceed 60 billion yuan, while the industrial scale of intelligen­t manufactur­ing equipment sector has surpassed 100 billion yuan, Zhang said.

For example, Shanghai’s current robot density in key industries is 383 units per 10,000 people, the highest worldwide, said Zhang.

Robot density is a key gauge to measure the adoption of automation in manufactur­ing, and is expressed by the number of robots per 10,000 people working in the manufactur­ing industry.

“By laying out detailed plans for advanced manufactur­ing and modern services, Shanghai looks to strengthen in-depth integratio­n of technologi­cal innovation and industrial innovation, promote a new model of industrial­ization and the high-quality developmen­t of key industrial chains, thereby serving as a role model for a modern industrial system led by technologi­cal innovation,” said Qian Feng, an academicia­n of the Chinese Academy of Engineerin­g.

 ?? WANG XIANG / XINHUA ?? Visitors learn how an intelligen­t robot helps check product quality during an expo in Shanghai.
WANG XIANG / XINHUA Visitors learn how an intelligen­t robot helps check product quality during an expo in Shanghai.

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