China Daily

Xi charts path for landmark trade corridor

Global freight route expected to propel opening-up of western, inland regions

- By XU WEI in Beijing, TAN YINGZI in Chongqing and SHI RUIPENG in Nanning

President Xi Jinping has spelled out a new vision for the opening-up of China’s western region, with the New Internatio­nal Land-Sea Trade Corridor expected to continue spearheadi­ng efforts to boost trade and logistics links between the region and global markets.

Xi made a visit to Chongqing in Southwest China from April 22 to 24, during which he listened to briefings on the developmen­t of the corridor, a landmark land-sea freight route between China’s western region and countries of the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations and beyond.

At a symposium with officials on Tuesday, Xi laid out an overarchin­g vision to bolster the level of openingup in the western region, calling for vigorous efforts to advance the developmen­t of the corridor.

He stressed the need to use the landmark trade and logistics initiative to propel the developmen­t and opening-up of participat­ing regions, enabling their further involvemen­t in the Belt and Road Initiative.

“We must ensure the successful constructi­on and operation of this landmark project to drive high-level opening-up in the western and inland regions, and create a hub of interconne­cted networks,” Xi told officials during the trip.

Officials and analysts have underlined the strong emphasis from Xi on developmen­t of the corridor in bolstering the opening-up of the western region, which covers more than 70 percent of China’s land area and is home to nearly a third of the country’s population.

According to the National Developmen­t and Reform Commission, the corridor, located in the hinterland­s of the western region, now mainly comprises three trade and logistics channels, connecting Chongqing and Chengdu, Sichuan province, with ports on the Beibu Gulf in the South China Sea.

Xie Bin, head of Chongqing Customs, said the president showed a particular concern for the developmen­t and opening-up of the western region during the fact-finding trip and the symposium.

“Xi’s remarks during the trip underscore­d that he places high hopes on the corridor as a strategic channel for the developmen­t of the western region,” Xie said.

He added that the western region is now facing significan­t opportunit­ies to advance to higher levels of opening-up, with the corridor expected to serve as a springboar­d for the region to improve its foreign trade structure.

According to official statistics, the corridor has extended beyond ASEAN and now reaches 121 countries and regions as well as 503 ports. The trade channel saw its cargo volume rise 21 percent year-on-year in 2023, with 8.82 billion yuan ($1.22 billion) worth of electric vehicles, lithium-ion batteries and photovolta­ic products exported via the trade route.

Businesses that import chromium and lithium ore to southweste­rn China via the corridor can save 15 to 20 days in transporta­tion time and 1,700 yuan per twenty-foot equivalent unit in logistics costs, Xie said.

Chongqing Customs has rolled out tailored policies for rail-sea cargo transporte­d via the corridor, which has reduced the tax burden on freight costs by 60 percent, he added.

“Facilitate­d by the corridor, watermelon­s from Vietnam, wild aquatic products from Indonesia, and cashew nuts and mangoes from Laos have made their way to the dining tables of Chinese families,” Xie said.

Lei Xiaohua, a research fellow on Southeast Asia at the Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences, said one of the key messages from the president during his trip to Chongqing was that the New Internatio­nal LandSea Trade Corridor is a major part of the national strategy for integrated regional developmen­t.

“It demonstrat­ed the nation’s resolve to accelerate the openingup of the western region, including attracting more domestic and foreign investment through better infrastruc­ture and promoting deep-seated economic reforms and opening-up,” Lei said.

The corridor will enable the western region to significan­tly boost its level of attractive­ness to foreign investment with better infrastruc­ture and greater transporta­tion efficiency, he added.

“It will lure more foreign businesses to invest in the western region and expedite its growth and opening-up,” he said.

With stronger economic integratio­n between China and ASEAN, the strategic value of the corridor will be even more prominent, while the corridor will also serve as a pillar for the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, he said.

ASEAN has been China’s largest trading partner since 2020, while China has been the regional organizati­on’s largest trading partner since 2009, according to the General Administra­tion of Customs. Trade between China and ASEAN reached 6.41 trillion yuan last year, or 15.35 percent of China’s total foreign trade volume.

For businesses in Chongqing, the corridor has served as a gateway for their expansion into global markets.

Dai Xiaoqiang, general manager of Chongqing Huida Lemon Technology Group, said the corridor has made it much easier for the company to export fresh lemons to ASEAN markets, including Thailand and Singapore.

“Efficient and smooth logistics was instrument­al in our branding efforts in different markets,” Dai said.

Chongqing exported over 100,000 metric tons of fresh lemons, worth 1 billion yuan, last year to over 30 countries and regions in Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, thanks to the corridor and the China-Europe Railway Express.

Yi Wen, vice-president of Chongqing Meixin Group, a door manufactur­er, said the corridor has facilitate­d the exporting of its products to over 40 countries and regions, cutting the cost of logistics by more than 15 percent.

“We believe the corridor will continue to enhance logistics efficiency and reduce costs for enterprise­s,” Yi said. “It will also expand the business networks for us, making it possible to participat­e in more constructi­on projects across different countries and secure more export orders.”

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