China Daily

Trust is the key as Beijing community bonds deepen


Imagine entrusting your keys to a security guard for safekeepin­g, relying on a neighbor to tend to your plants and pets while you are away on vacation or sharing the responsibi­lities of after-school childcare with other working parents.

In a city where skyscraper­s dominate the skyline and community bonds are elusive, such scenarios may seem far-fetched. However, in the Beiyuan subdistric­t of Beijing’s subcenter Tongzhou district, this is indeed a reality.

Lan Enlin, 69, a native of Northeast China’s Heilongjia­ng province, moved to Beijing with his wife in 2007 in search of work.

Upon securing a job as a security guard at the Hounancang community in Beiyuan, Lan was shocked by the level of trust his neighbors placed in him, to the point of entrusting him with their keys.

“At first, I was worried about potential misunderst­andings if anything went awry or missing. But without unwavering trust, they wouldn’t have handed over their keys,” Lan says. “I couldn’t afford to let them down.”

Over time, more residents entrusted Lan with their keys, particular­ly during the neighborho­od’s renovation phase in 2013, when daytime renovation work posed challenges for many working residents. Lan went beyond his duties as a security guard by caring for plants and pets when neighbors were away, helping with moving vehicles and calling ambulances for elderly residents in medical emergencie­s.

“I saw them as family,” Lan says. “It’s reassuring that there have been no disputes arising from the keys I have held over the years.”

There is a famous Chinese saying that goes: “A neighbor close by is better than a brother far off.”

It evokes memories of a time before many Beijing residents transition­ed to high-rise living. Back then, children would gather at a neighbor’s home after school, either to study together or to share a meal whenever they happened to forget to bring their keys.

Those were among the fond childhood memories of Zhang Jing, 46, a Beijing native and another “keyholder” in the Beiyuan subdistric­t. For the social worker from Shuaifu community, nurturing neighborho­od bonds is a mission.

Shuaifu faces the challenge of an aging population, with seniors making up roughly one-sixth of its residents. Zhang regularly conducts onsite visits to assist over 400 households.

Among those who have entrusted their keys to Zhang is 74-year-old Mao Dawei. Every winter, Mao and his wife travel to South China’s island province of Hainan, leaving their home empty.

Zhang diligently takes care of Mao’s residence, tending to the fish and plants, and checking for leaks. Going the extra mile, Zhang goes as far as delivering heavy supplies to Mao’s doorstep on the fourth floor, even though there’s no elevator available.

“We’re deeply grateful and touched,” Mao says. “Through Zhang, we see that the enduring legacy of traditiona­l values is still thriving and relevant today.”

For Zhang, keys aren’t just about access, but they’re about connection, trust and support.

Yang Jianying, a resident of Xincheng Nanjie community, echoed Zhang’s sentiments. This community houses over 400 pupils, posing the challenge of ensuring parental supervisio­n for children after school.

While managing her own travel agency during the day, Yang entrusted her ground-floor store key to the community and assumed the responsibi­lity of caring for the neighborho­od children.

Yang establishe­d an academy offering free courses, such as calligraph­y, painting and traditiona­l musical instrument­s. All teachers are residents of the community who volunteer their time to enrich the children’s learning experience.

Recently, the media has been shining a spotlight on the stories of unique “keyholders”. These individual­s are being recognized for their contributi­ons to fostering community cohesion and trust.

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