


Believe the hype: NYC’s Williamsbu­rg is a hotbed of old and new, hip and heritage; and that spirit is matched in The Hoxton Williamsbu­rg, set within a former factory near the East River. Entering the lobby feels like stepping into your designer friend’s loft conversion: exposed brick walls relaxed by soft pastel furnishing­s, cool wall art, house plants and mood lighting. Upstairs, the rooms feel equally cosy yet cool, with concrete ceilings, brassy

light fixtures and playful bed linens from Brooklyn label

Dusen Dusen. The space-saving fold-down desk is great for a spot of work; and the little breakfast bag you hang

on your door at night to be filled by the morning is a nice

touch. Grab sundowners and Manhattan skyline views at rooftop bar Summerly, then go forth and discover the neighbourh­ood’s amazing restaurant­s, craft beer bars and artisanal hot sauce shops – so Williamsbu­rg.美國紐約THE HOXTON WILLIAMSBU­RG酒店

紐約的威廉斯堡區糅合­傳統與新意,時尚潮流與歷史文化共­冶一爐,這氛圍正好在The Hoxton Williamsbu­rg酒店展露無遺,一點也沒有誇大。酒店的前身是一間工廠,而東河就近在咫尺。踏進大堂,彷彿到了由你的設計師­朋友改裝的閣樓作客。外露的磚牆帶點粗獷,但一室粉彩色的家具、時髦的壁畫裝飾、室內盆栽植物加上柔和­的燈光,輕易地營造出一片悠閒­氣氛。上層的房間同樣舒適與­時尚兼備,水泥天花配合古銅色的­燈具,以及布魯克林品牌Du­sen Dusen的床上用品,玩味十足。房間內的收納式書桌節­省不少空間,方便隨時將房間化作辦­公室。晚上把早餐袋掛到門外,翌日早上醒來,袋子便滿載豐富的餐點,實在是窩心的小確幸。到了黃昏時分,晃晃酒杯,悠然地在天台酒吧Su­mmerly欣賞曼克­頓的城市景觀。然後出發探索附近的餐­廳、手工啤酒酒吧和手工風­味辣醬店,這個社區還有很多值得­探索的新奇好去處。

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