Expat Living (Hong Kong)

Tai Wai Small Animal and Exotic 24 Hour Hospital Island Exotics.


and its sister clinic The team has just welcomed a new vet to offer even better care to all their patients. We asked them to introduce DR NICOLA DE GIROLAMO – or Dr Nic for short.

Tell us a bit about Dr Nic’s background.

He’s an Italian veterinari­an who completed an MSc at the University of Oxford and a PhD at the University of Bologna, becoming a registered European Specialist by gaining his Diplomate of the European College of Zoological Medicine. Dr Nic has always been interested in exotic pets, their care and their treatment. He is registered in Europe as a specialist in “herpetolog­y” – which means he is a specialist veterinari­an for all your turtles, tortoises, snakes, lizards and any other reptiles! Since graduating, he has worked as a clinician and research coordinato­r at the Clinic for Exotic Animals of Rome – Italy’s leading hospital for the veterinary care of exotic companion animals.

What has his recent work involved?

In 2016, Dr Nic was elected vice-president of the World Associatio­n of Veterinari­ans of Exotic Mammals (AEMV). Dr Nic is a strong believer in trying to improve the conditions exotic pets are kept in, as this is critical to ensuring their good health. So, he enjoys spending time talking to owners and helping them create the best possible environmen­ts for their pets.

What does he like to do outside of work?

When he’s not working, Dr Nic spends a lot of time researchin­g and writing papers for journals (he has written hundreds of articles for journals around the world). If he does take a break from writing, he likes to travel, surf, and play rugby or chess.

What’s his favourite animal?

It’s no surprise to find out that he likes all exotic pets! But when pushed he will admit that he has a particular passion for ferrets, chameleons and any turtle or tortoise.

Where will he be working with the team?

As the only veterinari­an in HK registered as a European Specialist in Herpetolog­y, Dr Nic brings another new level of expertise to team, directly complement­ing Tai Wai and Island Exotics resident veterinari­an Dr Zoltan Szabo who is the registered specialist for exotic companion mammals (rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets and so on). Tai Wai Small Animal and Exotic Hospital and Island Exotics both have separate wards for different species of exotic pets, providing ideal conditions to allow for recover from surgery or any bout of illness.

Tai Wai Small Animal and Exotic Hospital is the only 24-hour veterinary hospital in HK that can provide round-the-clock care to exotics as well as cats and dogs.

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