Expat Living (Hong Kong)

Makeup Maven


Charlotte Tilbury, who worked in fashion and Hollywood for 25 years before she created her own makeup line in 2014, has now launched counters in Hong Kong at Lane Crawford IFC and Harbour City. HK residents can now experience first-hand the in-store service and makeup magic of Charlotte’s makeup and skincare line. charlottet­ilbury.com New parents often ask me about sleep arrangemen­ts for their newborn cherub. Supervised sleep at night and for naps is a must for the first few weeks and months to come. Current guidelines for babies from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) specify room sharing with your baby until at least six months, or ideally for the first year. The AAP’s research indicates that this can reduce the risk of SIDS by 50 percent.

I advise parents to either room with their baby in the nursery (alternativ­ely, hire a maternity nurse) or make a sleep area in your own bedroom close to your bed. This will facilitate easier access, feeding and monitoring of your little one. Being in such close proximity to your bub also promotes bonding and enables parents to really get to know their personalit­y and individual idiosyncra­sies.

The crib, Moses basket or cot should meet the safety standards set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (US). Baby should sleep on a separate surface to the parents. The AAP states that the mattress should be very firm (no indentatio­n from the baby’s head) and have the appropriat­e fitted sheet.

Nothing else should be in the crib/cot/Moses basket. Blankets, cot bumpers, soft animals, sheepskin, quilts and sheets shouldn’t be placed in the sleep zone as they pose a suffocatio­n risk and may also overheat baby. Furthermor­e, bub should always be placed on her back for sleep either in a swaddle or in appropriat­e bedwear/sleeping bag. Most experts agree to keep the room temperatur­e hovering between about 18 and 22 degrees Celsius.

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