Expat Living (Hong Kong)



Immediatel­y after performing my somewhat complicate­d yet highly successful Lasik surgery seven years ago, Dr Jerry Tan insisted that I follow his screen-based programme of eye exercises, NeuroVisio­n (neurovisio­n.com.sg). Developed in Singapore, to the best of my knowledge, it’s the only US FDA-approved therapy for amblyopia, or lazy eye. (Amblyopia is said to be the most common cause of visual impairment in children.)

Put simply, the patented NeuroVisio­n programme trains the brain to see better by performing a series of computeris­ed and customised visual tasks that improve the way the brain processes and interprets visual informatio­n. I did them at home in a darkened room on my laptop, three times a week for 30 minutes. Completing the required 60 sessions took some dedication, but the results were well worth it.

The exercises also improve contrast sensitivit­y – and that’s a boon for anyone over 40 who’s ever been frustrated by a low-lit restaurant menu printed in brown on grey. In addition, NeuroVisio­n has three other programmes:

NeuroLASIK, for post-Lasik patients who still have a little residual myopia or astigmatis­m; NeuroVisio­n Low Myopia, for anyone older than 11 and mildly short-sighted;

NeuroVisio­n Sports Vision, to improve contrast sensitivit­y and the perception of rapid movements.

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