Expat Living (Hong Kong)


... you can do to make the most of living in Hong Kong

- Alia Eyres CEO of Mother’s Choice

Make a Difference #1

You don’t have to speak the local language or have a huge bank account or interconne­cted network to build a life that has meaning and impact in Hong Kong. The non-profit that I run, Mother’s Choice, was set up by two expatriate couples who didn’t have any of those things 32 years ago. Today, we still have hundreds of volunteers from every walk of life who help us on a weekly basis. No matter how long you plan to stay, there are many amazing causes and non-profits here that would welcome passionate and dedicated volunteers to give of their time, talent and resources.

Invest in Relationsh­ips #2

Deep friendship­s take time to forge, but if you’re willing to open yourself up, you can build relationsh­ips that last a lifetime with people from all over the world – living in Hong Kong helps you to see that the world is actually very small. The deep friendship­s we’ve built since moving back to HK have really carried us through the ups and downs of life.

Step Out #3

With people from every country in the world living here, it’s easy to stay in your own comfort zone, mixing just with people from your home country. We made a huge effort to get to know people from different background­s, cultures and countries, and it immeasurab­ly enriched our lives and perspectiv­e. One way we’ve stepped outside our comfort zone as a family is by fostering a vulnerable child in our home through Project Bridge. It’s changed all our lives for the better.

Don’t Worry #4

People worry about finding a good school for their children in Hong Kong. My six siblings and I grew up here and attended two different school systems; parents moving to HK should feel reassured there are many excellent options for schools, and just raising your child in a third culture with the opportunit­y to travel is the best education anyone can receive.

Get Outside #5

Pack your hiking boots and swimming costume! Very few new expatriate­s realise half our city is designated country park, and Hong Kong is an amazing place to enjoy the beauty of nature. One of the best and most unexpected parts of living here is access to the great outdoors, and we love the beaches, the hiking trails and the opportunit­y to get involved with sports of every kind.

Visit expatlivin­g.hk for more on starting a business in Hong Kong, networking, schools and the great outdoors, plus other ways to make the most out of life here.

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