Expat Living (Hong Kong)

TEENSAT HOME: A survival guide!

The coronaviru­s outbreak has many teens spending a lot more time with family than they might otherwise do when busy with school, sport and socialisin­g. ODETTE UMALI from Gordon Parenting provides four tips on how to thrive in this new normal.



It starts with you, the parent

When it comes to parents, self-care is key to a successful family life. It’s only through achieving a healthy, balanced lifestyle that you’ll be able to stay focused and calm at home. You become a good role model to your children, which is essential in reinforcin­g desirable values.

To be an effective parent to your teenagers, it’s necessary to be both attentive and proactive. Because of the neurologic­al re-wiring of the brain during adolescenc­e, parents must not forget teens can be largely emotional rather than logical. For anyone going through this, it’s an unpleasant – even frightenin­g – experience. The teenage years bring with them a surge of hormones, identity crises and social pressures, all of which make it a very confusing time for your child – and all the more reason for parents to remain calm, composed and understand­ing in every situation.


Connect, connect, connect

With all the suggested strategies and steps in resolving parent-teenager conflicts, it’s important to note that you must first establish a warm and respectful connection with your child. Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your time.

Know the love language of your child – is it words of affirmatio­n, quality time, physical touch, service or gifts? Leave notes on their pillows; kiss them goodnight; buy their favourite snacks. Be present in your conversati­ons. Practice active listening. Your children need to feel respected and accepted. With connection you earn the ability to influence your teenager.


Be mindful

Take charge to actively manage household relationsh­ips. Assess the triggers of conflicts before they even start and plan your schedules to reduce unnecessar­y stress. When school is discontinu­ed, it needs to be substitute­d with routines and activities that involve physical activity and socialisat­ion. Try cooking together, family workouts and sports, watch teen movies or TV series, do some home re-arrangemen­t, or let them simply hang out with friends.

#4 Don’t sweat the petty stuff; don’t pet the sweaty stuff

When it comes to teens, you need to choose your battles. Ask yourself: “Is this worth damaging our relationsh­ip? Is this a rational reaction to what’s been done? Is there a better way I can approach this?” However, it’s as important to assume authority when it comes to truly deserving issues like drugs, drinking and dating.

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