Expat Living (Hong Kong)


Last issue, I began by noting, “2020 has certainly y started with a wobble”...


Looking back, that may have been one of my greatest understate­ments! I’m m proud to say that Hong Kong has endured – and what a mighty fine job we e have all done along the way.

But it has been tough, especially for those expat families who are separated d or grieving loved ones from afar. With travel so affordable, the world had d become small and home didn’t feel so far away these past few years. Suddenly, y, the tyranny of distance became all too real.

But as they say, this too shall pass. And so do our most cherished experience­s. . Sadly, this will be my last issue editing Expat Living. After more than a decade e in Hong Kong, we have moved on to our next adventure. I will never forget t my time here (nor that time we relocated during a global pandemic!).

Oh, how I love this magazine. Editing her was at the top of my Hong Kong g bucket list for many years. Having ticked that box brings such joy. An enormous s shout out to everyone who works to make this magazine happen. Thanks to o Rebecca, our fabulous publisher, and to Kate, the best work-wife a girl could d ask for, whom I’ll miss terribly.

As expats, we know it’s never goodbye forever. All the best people keep popping back up!

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