Expat Living (Hong Kong)

How to take charge


Anxiety in pregnancy increases the risk of depression or continued anxiety in the postnatal period. It can start small and get bigger, generalisi­ng into all areas and sometimes even causing panic attacks. Trying to address the problem early is the key – it’s crucial that we have early interventi­on in place to help. Here are some of the ways you can start to tackle the issue.

• Use relaxation techniques like progressiv­e muscle relation, deepbreath­ing, mindfulnes­s and meditation.

• Ensure you exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet.

• Aim to get the right amount of sleep – this is imperative for

keeping anxiety at bay.

• Pay selective attention to other tasks by keeping busy, rather than focusing on rumination; creating therapeuti­c music playlists is another helpful distractio­n technique.

• Use your social support network and reach out to friends and

family who’ll be able to support you without judgment.

• Be selective and mindful with your informatio­n consumptio­n during the perinatal period; limit and regulate your digital presence according to your own needs.

• Consider Cognitive Behavioura­l Therapy (CBT); this is a known technique to combat anxiety and it works really well in identifyin­g unproducti­ve worries and the negative cycles they create.

While the pregnancy journey is mostly focused on managing physical care for women, the figures quite clearly show that we need to put in measures to ensure women safeguard their emotional and mental wellbeing as well their physical health. I would like to see a greater focus on understand­ing and supporting mental wellbeing for all pregnant women and new mothers. I’d also welcome a significan­t increase in early screening for perinatal anxiety and depression so women know in advance how to get help.

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