Golf Asia

Tee-off For Charity

The 25th NUS Alumni and Friends Charity Golf


More than S$500,000 was raised in gifts and contributi­ons at the 25th NUS Alumni and Friends Charity Golf 2016 tournament. The funds raised during the annual event, jointly organised by NUS Alumni Relations and the National University of Singapore Society (NUSS), will go towards supporting 20 bursaries per year for NUS students in financial need, beginning from Academic Year 2018/19. These gifts will also be eligible for government matching.

Some 140 NUS alumni and friends took part in the tournament held at the Raffles Country Club, which was graced by Guest-of-honour Emeritus Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong. Professor Tan Eng Chye, NUS Deputy President (Academic Affairs) and Provost, said, “We are grateful for the generosity and support from our NUS alumni and friends. Their contributi­ons provide a strong boost to the university’s ongoing efforts to enable more of our talented students to fulfil their potential and make a lasting impact to the Singapore community. We hope the success of this event will inspire others to join us in creating more opportunit­ies for our students, especially those who are in need of financial support.”

NUSS President Mr Eddie Lee, a supporter of the Charity Golf, shared that as an NUS Law student, he had to take out a loan and worked part-time for his tuition fees. “I want to do what I can to help today’s students, who are facing the same financial challenges, to benefit from a lifechangi­ng education just as I did,” he said. “I appeal to my fellow alumni and friends to join me in making a gift so that many more deserving needy students have the opportunit­y of a tertiary education.”

The cheque of S$564,500 was presented to Prof Tan at a dinner and prize presentati­on ceremony held at the NUSS Guild House after the tournament. Key donors also received commemorat­ive plaques in recognitio­n of their support. This year was the first time a fundraisin­g element was added to the annual tournament.

*This article first appeared in NUS News. Reproduced with permission from the National University of Singapore.

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