Golf Asia

“The most fun I’ve ever had on a course has been at the Ryder Cup”



“Because of the way the Tour courses are set up with many hazards and dog-legs kicking in around 290 yards, I’ll often use my 3-wood instead of driver off the tee. It’s my go-to club when I absolutely have to hit the fairway. Most amateurs play the ball too far back in their stance with this club. Playing it forward more will give you more time to release the clubhead and square the face. “It was a great experience being part of the Opening Ceremony, watching some of the other sports and getting to interact with some of the other athletes from my country. On the course, it was a very good showing for golf worldwide. That’s the beauty of the Olympics. You reach a different audience. I had so many messages afterwards from people that never watch golf, and they said they got straight into it. I had a message on my Facebook from one guy who said, ‘I never watch golf; I was going to do something completely different this weekend, and I ended up watching golf for 10 hours.’” “It’s one of those things where it doesn’t really strike you when you’re in the middle of it. But we pushed each other to the limit for 36 holes more or less, trading punches and blows all the way around the golf course. We both wanted it badly and we performed so well because of each other. I was just so delighted I managed to win it in the end. When you hear that Jack [Nicklaus] and Tom [Watson] are giving us credit for how we played, that’s obviously very pleasing and very humbling.” “The most fun I have ever had on a golf course has been at the Ryder Cup. It’s always a great week sharing everything with the other boys. Last time, I forged a great “My two heroes were Seve and Nick Faldo. When I’m at my best I like to think I’m a combinatio­n of the two – the accuracy of Nick hitting fairways and greens and the flair of Seve in pulling off the sand and flop shots. Unfortunat­ely, my career and Seve’s just barely crossed – I only played with him twice. He was at the back end of his career and was struggling. He didn’t say a whole lot, but graciously signed a picture for me, which I gave to my mum.” “There is not as much pressure as you might think. I have already made a lot of money playing the game I love. I already live in a nice house and drive a nice car. So massive wealth is not going to make me any happier. It might sound silly, but I am not playing for the cash.” “I’ve had two big slumps in my career – but you don’t see anybody at the top of the game who hasn’t had them. To be honest, getting out of a slump is nothing more than dogged determinat­ion and hard work. The really positive aspect is when you do emerge the other side, you know the experience has made you stronger. I’m not going to say that I can’t fall back down to 200 in the World Rankings again, but I know that if I do, I can certainly climb back up again. “Once I find something I like, I tend to keep it. I had used the same Callaway Big Bertha 3 Plus 3-wood for more than a decade, and only changed it to the Diablo Octane Pro after the Tour guys convinced me that it would give an extra 10 yards. I’ve had the same shaft in my 3-wood – a Grafalloy Blue – since 2003!” “It’s the icing on my career. But I’m not going to sit back and just say, ‘Okay, that was it, I’m done.’ Golf is a game where you’re never going to get to the point where you’re maxed out in your ability and how you’re playing. I’ve got a little perfection­ist in me there that has always been pushing me forward and that can both make me and break me at times.”

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