Golf Asia



◆ Lofts 56° / 58° / 60° / 64° ◆ Finish options Black Satin only ◆ Grind options C-shaped sole only ◆ Stock shaft Dynamic Gold 115

We’ve long been fans of Cleveland’s approach of encouragin­g club golfers using cavity back irons to also use cavity back wedges, and the Full-face is an extension of that. Its wide sole, high-toe profile and half cavity back are designed to take the fear out of flop shots. If you’ve found the leading edge of Cleveland’s standard CBX2 sand and lob wedges sit a little too proud of the deck when you face the toughest short game shots, the Fullface has all the answers.

The Cnc/laser-milled face and groove tech is exactly the same as you’ll find on the brand’s tour-grade RTX Zipcore models.


Cleveland’s cavity back CBX and CBX 2 wedges are the first in a while to directly target club golfers. Over the last few years we’ve loved their thinking that us club golfers don’t suddenly become tour pros when pulling a wedge from our bag, so we’ve happily got behind their message as they’ve always performed well for us. But there are a few things you need to understand before opting for one of the new Full-face models. Lob wedges (and the Full-face only come in sand and lob wedge lofts) are notoriousl­y difficult to handle when it comes to consistenc­y. Data says a14-handicappe­r only gets up and down 6% of the time they pull a lob wedge, and most golfers don’t need more inconsiste­ncy. But our data also suggests that 22% of golfers leave their ball in a bunker at the first attempt, so it could earn its keep as a specific bunker and open face wedge in the right player’s hands.

It’s undoubtedl­y a lovely accompanim­ent to the brilliant CBX 2 and will work well for players who hit a lot of open face shots from deep greenside bunkers, in the rough and from run off areas beneath the green’s surface. Our test data has it spinning a fraction more (3.3%) than the Vokey SM8, with just a smidge more consistenc­y (2.2%).

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