Golf Asia


Sentosa Golf Club’s GM Recognised For Moving Industry Forward


Andrew Johnston, the General Manager, Director of Agronomy and Resident Golf Course Designer at Sentosa Golf Club, and the person seen as the driving force behind changing the golf industry’s response to climate change, has been named as one of the ‘Most Innovative People in Golf’.

Featuring in a list of nine people by Golf Inc. magazine, Johnston was credited for his culture building leadership, pioneering methodolog­ies in waste management and an agronomic best practices strategy, all of which have helped Sentosa Golf Club fast become recognised as the world’s most sustainabl­e golf club.

Johnston has worked under the guidance of Arnold Palmer, Gene Bates and other industry leaders, and is revered for his work in inspiring the internatio­nal golf community to act against climate change, with the likes of Ireland’s prestigiou­s Portmarnoc­k Golf Club, and European Golf Design, following in Sentosa’s footsteps.

Under Johnston’s guidance, the team at Sentosa Golf Club has become a powerhouse of Asian Golf, defined by its state-of-theart agronomy programme and ‘Tournament Ready’ conditioni­ng all year round across both its two worldclass championsh­ip golf courses, The Serapong and The Tanjong.

Johnston has been able to create five-star conditioni­ng with an environmen­tally sustainabl­e platform at Sentosa, and a number of innovative and forward-thinking initiative­s implemente­d help reduce the Club’s overall carbon footprint.

Many of these initiative­s under Sentosa’s GAME ON sustainabi­lity campaign are now being mirrored by golf clubs around the world, as the industry looks to future proof the sport for generation­s to come.

Johnston was quick to credit his team at Sentosa Golf Club, saying: “I am extremely proud and honoured to have been selected by Golf Inc. Magazine in their list of Most Innovative People in Golf, but the overall success showcased at Sentosa Golf Club is down to the collective culture of the team, not individual­s. It takes a great team to build the foundation­s for success and without their support and hardwork we would not be in a position to make a difference through our ongoing environmen­tal strategy.

“We will continue to think outside the box as we look to unveil the next stages on our sustainabi­lity journey by working closely with our owners and partners to promote action against climate change, both in Singapore and the golf industry.”

Sentosa Golf Club President, Andrew Lim, also added: “The work undertaken by Andy and the team at the Club over the last few years has been nothing short of inspiratio­nal. The way in which the team has driven our ongoing sustainabi­lity agenda forward on a daily basis has helped to increase not only Sentosa Golf Club’s global status but also continues to promote Singapore’s green agenda too. I speak on behalf of all our members and guests in saying that we look forward to seeing where the Club’s journey takes us over the next decade under Andy’s leadership.”

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