Golf Asia


- Hubert Tang

And so the curtains descend come month's end on Keppel Club's Bukit Chermin course. The 118 year old Grand Dame has had a love-hate relationsh­ip with many a golfer. For some, one experience was reason enough to never return. Others have stubbornly refused to submit and returned time and again seeking redemption, only to be repeatedly punished.

Lacking the ability to tame my wayward shots, I confess to having been quite ambivalent about the course over the years. Then in 2022 I found myself playing the course more times than I ever have in my life, and while enjoying it more each time, I was still always humbled.

My final chance at redemption came last month. Having just returned from Phuket's Red Mountain, I would employ the same strategy of percentage golf. Could I tame Keppel's course? Especially the dastardly tight par-5 9th Berlayer Hole where I've always self-destructed?

I've never been driven well here, ending up either left on the hill, or right in the creek. I was elated when I cracked one down the middle for the first time ever. A good start.

A hooked second left me amongst trees just short of the water. A lucky opening was my chance to make the green in regulation. Elated, I relaxed my guard, made good contact with my third, and that's when Berlayer bit me again. I pushed my shot to the green's right edge, the ball bounced twice before rolling to the cart path. I saw it all in slow motion.

One final bounce on concrete and I was in the swamp for the last time ever. I was so close to my first and last par on the Berlayer Hole...

Goodbye Bukit Chermin, I love and will miss you dearly.

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