Golf Asia


Jessica Joins The Family Alongside Her Sister And Brother


Richard Mille welcomes American pro golfer Jessica Korda to the brand's circle of ambassador­s. She joins her sister and brother, Nelly and Sebastian, both whom have been part of the Richard Mille family since 2017 and 2022, respective­ly.

30-year old Jessica Korda has long loved competitio­n, “Having two tennis champions as parents made sure I was competitiv­e. I just loved all sports, especially gymnastics and figure skating. Being so tall, however, put paid to those.”

Gravitatin­g quickly and naturally to golf, Jessica's passion soon dictated her daily schedule as a teenager. Up at 6am to run and swim, she would fit in an hour of schoolwork thereafter and during lunch, all so she could spend most of the day on the golf course.

Jessica regularly ranks in the world's top 15 of women pro-golfers. As an amateur, she made the cut at the 2008 U.S. Women's Open and won the 2010 South Atlantic before turning profession­al in 2011. Having represente­d both the Czech Republic and the US, her first profession­al win was at the 2012 Women's Australian Open. In 2013, 2019 and 2021, Jessica officially represente­d the United States at the Solheim Cup. Her proudest moment thus far has been competing at the Tokyo Olympics, where her brother Sebastian and sister Nelly also competed. And it was all the more special because they had qualified for the Olympics together as siblings.

Explaining the uniqueness of golf's competitiv­e atmosphere, and the zenlike mental discipline it requires, Jessica says, ”Stepping out, feeling all those

people, the pressure - suddenly the light shines on you. It's all about muscle memory - not only of the swing, but the mind too. The mind is a muscle and you can train your subconscio­us. You have to get rid of whatever creeps in your mind, relax and just let your body do what you've taught it to do all the hours you've been preparing your craft.'”

Jessica, who loves imparting her passion for golf to children, shares that “there's something unique about golf for that. You can tee off next to anyone, young or old. It's a true equaliser. It's also a great sport for women, as more and more of us are taking it up. When I was a little girl, I decided we'd go out and play and compete together with the boys.”

The Richard Mille family is delighted the Korda link is now complete. “Trailblazi­ng is the word that comes to mind when you try to define what binds both our families,” says Jessica. “We are not guaranteed these lives, we work really hard. Of course, I'm competitiv­e but what makes me most proud is watching my brother and sister compete. I'm calm watching Nelly play golf, but for tennis, I'm a wreck.”

Out on the golf course, Jessica wears the RM 07-01 in Red Quartz TPT, an in-house automatic calibre that combines resistance, lightness and comfort under all circumstan­ces.

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