

The all-new Cessna Citation CJ4 Gen2

- by Omar Gepiga

Singapore broadsheet usiness 7imes on 0arch , reported that Internatio­nal Air 7ransport Associatio­n IA7A chief Ale andre de -uniac believes personal travel will resume from the second half of this year as borders reopen. Countries have rolled out their vaccinatio­n programs. loomberg reports that as of 0arch , more than million C29I - vaccine doses have been administer­ed across countries with the latest rate of around . million doses administer­ed a day.

1ow that the near future of travel seems to show promise, safety will still be a primary considerat­ion for ready travellers itching to fulfill their wanderlust. In a report, 0ulti riefs says that is the year that private flying takes off. hile airlines see passenger counts drop by more than fifty percent, private flights run at per cent of normal or what they were during pre-pandemic times. Private jet passengers try to avoid crowds to reduce their e posure to the C29I - virus. 0ulti riefs also notes that “private aviation flights have less than touchpoint­s, meaning less interactio­n with people you don’t know.” Coupled with the obvious benefits like time savings and the ability to reach more airports directly, private flying will definitely be a formidable option for those needing and wanting to travel.

Aside from safety, the e clusivity of private flying is alluring because of the prestige it connotes and the lu ury it upholds — elegant interiors, roomy seating, fle ible departure times, total privacy.

/eading the light jet segment is 7e tron Aviation’s Cessna Citations having delivered over , aircraft around the world. /ight jets like the Cessna Citation C- and the Cessna Citation C- remain popular choices among those needing the fle ibility while balancing cost-efficiency of aircraft ownership. 7hese light jets are backed with more than years of general aviation e perience with systems that are designed and developed through decades of technical advancemen­ts. 7he original Citation C- has been a popular aircraft in the Asia Pacific region. 7e tron Aviation e pects to see new private plane owners and upgraders taking interest in the new Cessna Citation C- en due to its e Tuisitely redesigned cabin, operating efficienci­es, generous payload, and range.

( pertly designed and superbly crafted, the Cessna Citation C- en jet combines a comfortabl­e, state-of-the-art cabin with generous range, speed and payload. It’s the ultimate single-pilot jet, reimagined for a new generation of business leaders and leisure travellers.

Industry-Defining Features

7he Cessna Citation C- en is the largest Citation in the light jet segment offering a range of industry-defining features that raise ramp presence and heighten in-flight comfort. 7hese include new stairs and

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