Lifestyle Asia


EASTERN COMMUNICAT­IONS' co-coordinato­rs share what it's like to rule in a male-centric industry


The telco industry is known for being predominan­tly run by men. Women who are part of this field are seen as outlanders, treading unknown waters. But Eastern Communicat­ions’ co-coordinato­rs, Atty. Aileen Regio and Ms. Hermi Hizon, prove that women have what it takes to succeed and rule in a male-centric territory.

As co-coordinato­rs, they oversee the company's key operations and create the highest level of efficiency possible within the organizati­on. Their road to the top was met with hurdles that had tested their devotion to create a better environmen­t and improve the management at Eastern Communicat­ions, but they powered through. For Atty. Regio, her work ethic and eagerness to overcome challenges served as her fuel to thrive in the telco business. And while being part of Eastern Communicat­ions was something that Hizon didn’t expect, she has shown gratitude and perseveran­ce in proving why placing her there was the right choice.

“I always welcome industries that are very much regulated. I really want the challenge of being able to deal with and manage regulation­s. After having been with an airline company and the banking business, I said, ‘What other industry can stimulate my interest?’ ” shared Atty. Regio. That’s when she decided that the next field of business that she will enter will be telecommun­ications. Its unique and intricate nature appealed to her, and suited her knack for pushing boundaries.

Having been in the telco industry for almost 20 years, Hizon has seen both ends of the spectrum. “I’ve seen the worst, but I’ve seen the best also,” she explained. But the stark difference between the highs and the lows of working in a telco is exactly why she stayed. Knowing the bad and good in catering to consumers has stirred her determinat­ion to provide only the best to every kind of customer. “Telcos are really serviceori­ented, and one of my passions is to know what the consumers want.”

Currently, Eastern Communicat­ions has taken steps in helping businesses amid the COVID-19 situation. The company announced deadline extension for payments, special offers, and maintained a skeletal workforce to deliver service to their existing essential clients such as hospitals, government agencies, and other entities. “We’re closely monitoring the situation and we’ll continue supporting our clients the best way we can in this challengin­g time,” said Atty. Regio.

Taking Eastern Communicat­ions to new heights isn’t the only thing that Hizon and Atty. Regio are enthusiast­ic about. While most of their time is dedicated to serving their employees, they also don’t forget to have some fun every once in a while. A true karaoke queen, Hizon likes spending her free time singing her heart out, even during casual company events. Meanwhile, Atty. Regio can let loose on the dance floor without breaking a sweat.

Maneuverin­g a company that is run predominan­tly by men, these two zealous women have faced numerous difficulti­es in creating harmony within the workplace and the industry itself. But by dipping their toes slowly into the environmen­t, and sticking to their virtues and personal strengths, they were able to understand how to blend in with the people that they manage, as well as the officers outside of their company whom they work with. This slow yet smooth transition paved the way for a steadier grip on their respective teams, and eventually, their success as admirable co-coordinato­rs at Eastern Communicat­ions.

Learn more about Eastern Communicat­ions on their website or call them at (02) 5300-7000

“Needless to say, part of the challenge is to be able to lead a maledomina­ted industry and show them that we can be at par.”

 ?? Photos HAROLD TAPAN ??
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