
With a list of high-profile corporate positions here and in China, Francis Flores has no shortage of challenges and responsibi­lities in the corporate world. But even as a President, Chairman and CEO of multiple companies, and a founding member of GameChange­rs Inc., Francis still finds time to dream big and act on it.

Francis spends his time expanding the global visibility and competitiv­eness of Hong Zhan Yuan and San Ping Wang in China as well as local brand Jollibee Foods Corporatio­n. His work has always been about spreading a distinctly Filipino flavor as well as proud sense of Asian tastes. “I’m a strong believer that Filipino’s are one of the best marketeers in the world,” says Francis. “We are capable of building local brands which can successful­ly compete with Global brands.” And it is that belief that Francis is banking on. Together with best friend Michael Carandang, he came up with #MindsetRev­olution. This social media movement aims to get Filipinos to rethink their place in the global market and to inspire us to be progressiv­e, ambitious and proud of ourselves and our heritage.

The success of any movement can’t stand on just dreams and ideas, it needs hard work, but Francis is ready for it and wants everyone to get in on the action. “Vision without action is just a dream,” says Francis. We can all work hard, but working something will always be more rewarding.—AC

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