Prestige Hong Kong

Dear Santa


Let’s get down to business and skip the pleasantri­es, as I’d say we’re pretty well acquainted by now. I don’t know what your surveillan­ce elves have told you, but whatever you’ve heard, I can explain. It’s been a tough year and everyone (including you) deserves to kick back a little. So I’ve swapped your warm milk for whisky – don’t worry, I know you’re in the passenger seat – and no, this isn’t a bribe. If I haven’t made it on to the nice list, I’d like to negotiate for some sort of credit arrangemen­t. I’ll be extra good, as the list of wants is pretty long this year. I’m also a realist, so instead of mailing you my list of 31,727 things I want, I’ve narrowed it down to just 10 things I really can’t live without. So, see what you can do. Until next year, big guy.

Dara Love Chau

Digital Editor

PS: Please get the sizes right this year.

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