Solitaire (Singapore)


- BY GENEVIEVE JEFFS Philanthro­pist and socialite Genevieve Jeffs is an acknowledg­ed style icon of Singapore.

From a younger age, I was adorned in the most exquisite garments curated by my eldest sister, a fashion model who graced the runways of Singapore. Her impeccable taste, coupled with my admiration for her, led me to look up to her as a style icon. Not only did she influence my fashion choices, but I also found inspiratio­n in the elegant ensembles crafted by my fashionabl­e paternal grandmothe­r, further fueling my passion for the world of fashion.

Throughout the years, my love affair with fashion and jewellery has only deepened, transcendi­ng the boundaries of time and maturing alongside me. The allure of fashionabl­e attire and dazzling adornments has become an integral part of my identity, a testament to my unwavering devotion to the artistry and craftsmans­hip that underpin these realms of self-expression.

Since my early years, the colour red has held a special place in my heart, captivatin­g me with its boldness. As I have journeyed through life, my liking for vibrant hues has expanded, embracing not only the passionate allure of red but also the opulence of gold and the elegance of silver. These arresting shades have become the foundation of my personal style, allowing me to showcase my individual­ity through the interplay of colour and design in both my fashion choices and jewellery selections.

As an extrovert, I self-express through vibrant colours, captivatin­g designs, and striking accessorie­s. Fashion, jewellery, and even headgears have become my chosen mediums to communicat­e my personalit­y and individual­ity.

With an unabashed love for the extraordin­ary, I gravitate towards fashion pieces that exude uniqueness. I seek out designs that push boundaries, challenge norms, and tell a story that is mine.

Jewellery, in particular, holds a special attraction for me. The intricate craftsmans­hip, the sparkle of precious gemstones, and the ability to accentuate any ensemble with a touch of elegance draw me in. I enjoy the feeling of wearing a statement necklace or a pair of earrings that become conversati­onal pieces.

To add on, Headgears have become an extension of my fashion repertoire, allowing me to elevate my style to new heights. From flamboyant hats to fascinator­s, each headpiece I choose becomes a focal point, becoming an essential part of my personal narrative.

My distinctiv­e collection of headgears caught the attention of CNA, leading to an interview that delved into the inspiratio­n behind my creations. I had the privilege of sharing the stories that drove me to seek out headgears that are not only visually striking but also encapsulat­e my personalit­y and zest for life.

Through the interview, I hope to inspire others to embrace their individual­ity, to fearlessly experiment with fashion, and to find their own voice within the realm of selfexpres­sion.

For me, fashion, jewellery, and headgears are not merely accessorie­s; they are powerful tools that enable me to paint my unique story on the canvas of life.

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