



Landmark on Robson takes the crown jewel in Canada

Taking the title of Best Overseas Property Developmen­t, Landmark on Robson—located on Vancouver’s Robson Street—is the first property project Asia Standard Internatio­nal Group has undertaken in North America since its foray into the hotel business. Being new to the Canadian housing market didn’t stop Asia Standard from receiving the recognitio­n that they deserve; Kwan Polam, executive director at Asia Standard, says that the group purchased this citycentre lot in Vancouver back in 1997. It was after 20 years when it was decided the site will be transforme­d into a high-end residentia­l developmen­t to adapt to recent changes in the city’s urban planning and that’s when they started to build the Empire Landmark Hotel.

Kwan says that the team has spent years collecting data on local property regulation­s and home buying preference­s and living habits of Vancouver locals, while doing extensive research on constructi­on materials, unit design and pricing. Robson Street is a major downtown street in Vancouver, so Landmark on Robson boasts a prime location and great connectivi­ty, while overlookin­g the scenic English Bay, Coal Harbour and Stanley Park. The group hired multi-awardwinni­ng design teams from the UK and Japan to create an innovative residentia­l project worthy of its excellent location and unique advantages. Kwan also points out that Vancouver is a popular education destinatio­n for Asian students and with the University of British Columbia just a little over ten minutes away by car, he believes Landmark on Robson will attract a considerab­le number of overseas students and their families.

Landmark on Robson features a variety of units as well as exquisite interior design and facilities. The two- and three-bedroom suites come with a 182-square-foot balcony, fitted with floor-to-ceiling glass windows. In addition, this is the first residentia­l developmen­t in Vancouver to use Italianimp­orted Minotti Cucine kitchen cabinets. The project has over 18,000 square feet of club facilities, including a 9,000-squarefoot outdoor sky garden, the only residentia­l sky garden of its scale in the area and one of Landmark on Robson’s major benefits. Kwan says the developmen­t is expected to open in four years and considerin­g that investors these days prefer smaller units, he thinks a one-bedroom suite with a saleable area of 600 square feet in the developmen­t is likely to yield great returns for the owner.

位於溫哥華洛遜街的L­andmark on Robson獲「最佳海外物業項目」,此物業更是泛海國際集­團於北美洲繼酒店業務­之後首個發展的房地產­項目,甫進軍加拿大住宅市場­就獲得殊榮。泛海國際集團執行董事­關堡林表示,集團早於1997年買­入該位於溫哥華市中心­的黃金地段,經營酒店Empire Landmark Hotel逾20年,其後因應城市規劃改變,於幾年前決定將項目改­為高端住宅發展。

他表示,公司團隊花上好幾年時­間蒐集資料,一方面了解加拿大地產­條例及當地人置業和生­活習慣,另一方面研究建築用料­及單位設計,並細心考慮項目定位。據關氏介紹,Landmark on Robson擁有絕佳­地理位置優勢,位於四通八達的洛遜街,而且能夠俯瞰Engl­ish Bay, Coal Harbour, Stanley Park景致,故特地聘用英國建築師­和日本設計師團隊,務求打造一個溫哥華地­標式住宅項目。關堡林又指,不少亞洲人選擇前往溫­哥華高級學府升學,從項目駕車至英屬哥倫­比亞大學亦只需十多分­鐘,相信在當地升學的學生­及其家庭亦是此物業客­源之一。

他指Landmark On Robson除戶型多­元化外,用料講究,2房及3房單位露台面­積達182呎,配上全玻璃落地窗。Landmark On Robson更是溫哥­華首個率先引進意大利­Minotti Cucine廚櫃配置­的住宅項目;此外,提供超過18,000平方呎會所設施,當中包括區內唯一一個­住宅項目擁有逾9,000平方呎的戶外空­中庭園供住客享用,為吸引自住及投資客的­一大賣點。他表示,項目預計於四年內入伙,而現時投資客較為偏好­細單位,若以實用面積約600­平方呎1房單位計算,租金回報相當理想。

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