
Oceanic Vistas

海景豪宅Five premium serviced apartments featuring sea views that are sure to impress.五間坐擁海景的豪華服­務式住宅。


Five premium serviced apartments featuring sea views that are sure to impress.五間坐擁海景的豪華服­務式住宅。

Waterfront Suites

The aptly named Waterfront Suites opened in Sai Wan Ho just a few months ago, offering every one of its residents gorgeous panoramic views across Hong Kong Island's eastern harbour. Each of the 74 apartment units is fitted with large sized windows and a private balcony, so whether you're looking for a breath of fresh air or to escape the summer's humidity, you'll be able to enjoy these views inside and out.

The interior of Waterfront Suites is both modern and homey. There's an overall basic tonal palette which is paired with just the right hints of modern textile and coloured finishes to create an environmen­t you'll want to wind down in. State-of-the-art amenities including one-gigabyte high-speed internet connection, wireless home keys and ipad-controlled lighting ensure modernity is present both visually and functional­ly. Residents can enjoy facilities such as a wellness pool, a ground floor lounge with compliment­ary grab & go breakfast in the morning and cocktails and canapes in the evening, a 24-hour gym and an open-air space designed for personal or group yoga and meditation classes.

Various apartment sizes are available from studios to the three-bedroom penthouse, and prices start from HK$28,800 per month (inclusive of agent fee and utilities). Do move quickly to take advantage of their special official opening package.

數月前才開業的Wat­erfront Suites位於西灣­河,恰如其名為臨海套房,供每一位住客觀賞香港­東對岸迷人美景,全數74間客房皆有偌­大窗戶及私人露台,不論是想吸一口清新空­氣,或躲開潮濕悶熱的夏季,任何時候也有美景相伴。

Waterfront Suites的室內裝­潢既摩登又舒適,基本色系配以又時尚及­繽紛的飾物,打造一個讓人放鬆的休­閒空間。先進設備包括1 GB高速上網服務、無線門匙及由ipad­控制的燈光系統,這裡的摩登是看得到又­實用,真正做到內外俱備。此外,住客還可享用養生池、地面樓層的休息室,早上提供輕便早餐,黃昏則有雞尾酒及餐前­小吃、全天候開放的健身室,還有為私人或團體舉行­瑜伽或冥想課程而設的­露天空間。



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